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MA Zurich - Green trees in Winter!


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Is anyone else getting green trees for the winters months (January in this case) within the boundary of Mega Airport Zurich?

I have run the season changer, but it makes no difference - just says updated...but the trees within the airport are green, those beyond in FSX-land withered and white!

Running the scenery tool has no effect and I wonder if it is related to the fact that there are no products listed in the "Support for:" window.

Does anyone know how I can resolve this?


Edit: Now resolved. Installing Barcelona after Zurich, played havoc with the launcher. An older version went on top of the newer version and that seems to have stopped the Zurich scenery being recognised by the "season scenery" changer and the texture updates not working. To resolve this, I eventually had to uninstall both airports and launcher, then re-install, but leaving the launcher to last and upgrading to the latest launcher ...

These launchers are a pain, given that boxed versions already have serial numbers and especially as they don't seem to have any intelligent version control - which allows older versions to overwrite newer ones and worse still, to auto-install (even when a newer one exists) with no user choice (as Barcelona did) only to fail and leaving the customer to work it out and resolve.

I understand the piracy issue, but if the launcher is the solution, it needs to work.

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