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ENGM floating/missing runway and taxi lights

Go to solution Solved by Jo Erlend,

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First of all, absolutely beautiful work on the scenery. However, doing my first night flight there this evening I noticed that there are floating and missing runway and taxi lights. As soon as I landed on 01L I noticed that the runway lights were floating about 50 cm up in the air. As I taxied to the gate the lights got closer and closer to the ground until the clipped the ground and vanished. It seems like the lights are not conforming to the scenery ground poly so half the scenery has floating lights and the other half none at all. Is this a known issue or is there something wrong with my setup? 

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  • Verified Developer
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Hello, Thanks!

This sounds like it's related to an MSFS bug where runway/taxi lights can get placed at incorrect altitudes, in the scenery itself we don't really control the altitude of the light placement as they should automatically snap to the terrain.


Can you check if the lights look ok when you start a flight at Oslo? If you're using rolling cache it might be worth trying to clear & disable it and see if the issue still persists.

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15 hours ago, Jo Erlend said:

Hello, Thanks!

This sounds like it's related to an MSFS bug where runway/taxi lights can get placed at incorrect altitudes, in the scenery itself we don't really control the altitude of the light placement as they should automatically snap to the terrain.


Can you check if the lights look ok when you start a flight at Oslo? If you're using rolling cache it might be worth trying to clear & disable it and see if the issue still persists.


I see. Took a flight from Oslo today and everything was fine. I don’t have rolling cache enabled but I’ll have a closer look. 

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