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sim-wings Munich | New update: Version 2.2.0

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  • Verified Developer

today we have updated our Munich scenery to version 2.2.0. The free update is allready available online.
Comprehensive changelog of version 2.2.0 at the end of this post.

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The full Munich 2.2.0 changelog:

1. Bug fixes___________________________________________________________________________________

corrected taxiway sign at "Entry S3"
corrected taxiway sign from "B7" to "B11"
removed taxiway sign "B7" at "B9"
added "Entry S52" taxiway sign at taxiway "B11"
added taxiway sign "Entry S7"
changed taxiway sign at taxiway "A8"
changed taxiway sign at taxiway "A6"
added taxiway sign "A10"
added taxiway sign at "A12"
ground sign "S2" changed to "S1" at taxiway S1
removed wrong ground signs "W2"
changed ground sign from "O1" to "E1"
added two missing "orange striped" light poles at RWY 08L
reastablished default buildings surrounding the airport
solved floating ("flying") objects at runway ends
restored roof details at T1 parking building
restored missing roof details at T1
restored missing walls at garage P20
removed unused jetway connection near T1 construction site
small texture corrections at type 2 jetway (glass jetway)
corrected ceiling posts of signs inside T2
corrected nightlighting of T1 roof reiling
corrected stairs at T2 Sat
removed glowing effect during night time at street signs posts 

2. Enhancements and actualisations due to real world changes____________________________

lightpoles near runways changed to "orange striped" color
added meteo/observation station near RWY 26L
added one farm at approach
added fence-barrier at car test drive area close to apron
added privacy fence at second car test drive aerea
added vegetation (trees, bushes) to inner airport area and streets
added connection bridge at fire fighter station building
added blaster fences at fire fighting station
added tent at fire fighting station
added utility building near fire fighting station
substituted 3D Lufthansa sign at Terminal 2 connectors with more detailed (round) version
substituted 3D Lufthansa sign at T2 Sat connectors with more detailed (round) version
changed sun shades at T2 to darker grey color
changed southern end of terminal 2
changed northern end of terminal 2
edited jetway connections (removed posts and substituted with wall connections)
edited window layout at front of connection buildings (at T2)
shifted floors at T2 connection buildings to jetway height
changed longer jetway connections to "glass" types
added glass type jetway connections to parking pos 205, 208 and 209
added anti noise (or privacy) wall at T2
added connection buildings at T1 (Bus gates)
changed advertising at T2 and parking
removed parking building P8 at T1 and substituted with construction site
removed container loader conflicting with new connection buildings (bus gate)
removed "o2" advertising on jetways
switched positions of static and active jetway at PP 222
switched positions of static and active jetway at PP 204
switched positions of static and active jetway at PP 201
changed terminal floors to granite tiles
altered night lighting inside terminals (less bright)
greener glass at T2 and T2 Sat

3. Bug fixes of terrain shapes (due to new MSFS terraforming behaviour)________________

restored shape of spotter hill 
restored two dams beneath runways
restored height of water basins



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