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sim-wings Munich | New update: Version 2.1.0

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  • Verified Developer

Servus from virtual Munich !

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Today (March, 27th, 2024) we have updated our Munich scenery to version 2.1.0. 
We have added airline codes for AI aircrafts, thanks to the help of "ErikNL80" who figured out the
parking assignments and corresponding codes.
And we made some other minor corrections, see changelog.

Changelog Munich V2.1.0:
- added airline codes for AI traffic 
- removed bushes at runway areas
- re-established ground layer order (grass appeared on some taxiways)
- removed remains of taxiway ground signs "O1" and changed to "E1"
- corrected ground signs of "blue" and "orange" taxiways
- changed vertical taxiwaysigns from "O1" to "E1" and "C4" to "C5"
- removed static stair in T1 connection building

Ths update is allready available via AerosoftOne.


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