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sim-wings Barcelona | New update: Version 1.1.0

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  • Verified Developer

"Bon dia" from virtual Barcelona,

today (March, 21st 2024) will be available a new update of our sim-wings Barcelona scenery: Version 1.1.0.

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The changes of 1.1.0 are:
- Changed rapid exit R1 to new shape and taxiwaypath
- Ground layer optimization (color and grafic)
- Removed overlapping taxiwaylines on yellow ground signs
- Added two new concrete paved parking postions (PP200 and PP247)
- Added boxes with yellow parking postion number signs to jetways (to those having these in reality at T1 and T2)
- Texture and model changes at terminal T1 jetway connection buildings, added parking position numbers to these buildings
- Ground level floor of Terminal T1 partly repositioned and enhanced with handling baggage carousels
- Small enhancement of Terminal T1 roof structure
- Corrected jetway hoods at terminal T1 (were moving to wrong side)
- Changed color of some ground lines (less saturation)
- Added bridge at Llobregat river
- Additional flatten of default mesh bleeding through buildings at port area. Partly substituted with own buildings
- Removed labeling "Gate A" (AFCAD)
- Added fence around the airport
- Removed some trees near taxiway
- Small corrections of ground height model at T2
- Enhanced assignment of airline codes to parking positions (separated to T1 and T2)

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