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How to configure the TCA throttle and reversers with the MSFS Aerosoft A330


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How to configure the TCA throttle and reversers
with the MSFS Aerosoft A330

We will cover 2 points :
- 1 – Assigning the axes in MSFS

- 2 – Assigning the thrust notches and the reversers in the EFB.


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STEP 1 :
In Flight Simulator, go to OPTIONS -> CONTROLS.
1- Select the TCA Q-ENG 1&2 TAB and create a new empty profile.
    Name it "AS-A330" for instance

2 – Assign the THROTTLE 1 AXIS and THROTTLE 2 AXIS to the throttle levers

3 – Check the REVERSE AXIS boxes


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STEP 2 :
Start the EFB on the captain side (left) by clicking anywhere on its screen.
Click on the upper-right cogwheel.

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STEP 3 :

The Settings window opens.

- Click Custom THRUST levers calibration -> ON

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STEP 4 :

Click Lever axis count  -> 2
Click Reversers on axis -> YES

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STEP 5 :
Put the TCA throttle levers all the way down on the FULL REVERSE notch.
(You will need to pull the reversers flaps UP)

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STEP 6 :

1 – Click REV MAX

2 – Click the left SET CURRENT
3 – Click the right SET CURRENT

IMPORTANT : Make sure you follow step 5 and step 6 exact order otherwise you

                        may assign the wrong function to the notch you are working on.

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STEP 7 :
Repeat the steps 5 and 6 for REV IDLE, IDLE, CLIMB, FLX/MCT and TOGA

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STEP 8 :

Click STORE to save your settings.

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You are all set !


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