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How To setup the Bravo throttle quadrant to operate the FSS Embraer throttles and reversers


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  • Aerosoft

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How To setup the Bravo throttle quadrant to operate
the FSS Embraer throttles and reversers

The reversers of the E-170/175/190/195 are part of the course of the throttle levers.
They can’t be triggered by an input such as THROTTLE x DECREASE.

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They need to be assigned to a part of the course of the hardware quadrant
used such as the TCA. This happens via the EFB settings.

When the reversers are an ON/OFF contact only triggered by a detent at the bottom of the throttle levers, this isn’t possible.
For instance the Bravo throttle quadrant.
There is however a workaround allowing to use the Bravo and still operate the reversers.

The trick is to assign the detent contacts at the bottom of the throttle levers to the TOGGLE THROTTLE REVERSE THRUST function.

à You can either assign one of them or both.
     Assigning one of them only has proven to be more stable tough.

STEP 1 :
Create a new controller profile for the E-Jets and make sure the following functions remain unassigned :




STEP 2 :

1 – Assign the throttle levers to THROTTLE 1 AXIS and  THROTTLE 2 AXIS

2 – Asssign the detent(s) to the TOGGLE THROTTLE REVERSE THRUST function

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STEP 3 :
Open the EFB in the aircraft.
The throttle calibration page can be accessed via EFB -> Settings Icon (upper right) -> Configuration Tab
Make sure that the “REV ON AXIS” parameter in the EFB Calibration settings

is NOT lit (ON).

1 – Use the DEFAULT profile
2 – Make sure the REV ON AXIS button is OFF (black inner background)

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So to engage the reversers, you need to cycle the detents ON and OFF.
Then the normal throttle portion of the levers allows to “modulate” the reversers action.
To release the reversers, simply cycle the detent ON and OFF again.

That’s it !

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  • SimWare changed the title to How To setup the Bravo throttle quadrant to operate the FSS E-170/175 throttles and reversers
  • 1 month later...

It is very bad, it is not natural maneuvring the throttles behave like that! All other aircrafts we could buy on thrird party have a way to set up the throttle propely, it is a bad patch, FSS should fix this very soon, it is not science rocket to do this! lot of smaller developper did it to get throttles work normaly!!!!

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  • Aerosoft

You don't understand. It is working very well.

The Bravo throttles don't have an analog portion below idle.
Just a notch and a input contact.
This is the best way to use the bravo along with the FSS.

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  • SimWare changed the title to How To setup the Bravo throttle quadrant to operate the FSS Embraer throttles and reversers

OMG What a complete waste of my money and my time. I would just be nice for FSS to FIX something rather than throwing in more INCOMPLETE models to MSFS. I bought the 175 back when it was Early access... it's still early access. I fly my CRJ, it might be old but at least its complete. The FSS is a complete nightmare and seems it's going to be a rip off. At least captain sim (I did not buy) the plane at least worked with any throttle in its direction. Developers, PLEASE STOP DEVELOPING if you are clueless. it's not LUCK, you are messing with people and its making MSFS fall off the radar. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/13/2023 at 3:20 AM, SimWare said:

You don't understand. It is working very well.

The Bravo throttles don't have an analog portion below idle.
Just a notch and a input contact.
This is the best way to use the bravo along with the FSS.

No, we understand fine, this movement is horrible for a throttle quadrant and it's absurd to have to use it like this on any plane, it literally goes against how every other plane in MSFS flies with the Bravo Quad. Adding to that none of the dials working natively to adjust heading/airspeed/altitude , yeah, it's a horrible setup. 

But I'm sure just like with the CRJ , we'll be told that the reason it works like this is because these aircraft sims are just SOOOO advanced that they need to function this way, yet the FBW a320 , PMDG 737, WT 787, Headwind a330, etc etc etc all work natively without issue using the Bravo Throttle. Of course all of those planes are known to be muuuuuch lower quality than the Aerosoft CRJ or FSS 170/190's             /s 

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  • Aerosoft

I suggest you read this about the "native" working of hardware.

As per the reverser question, the FSS addon does not accept a binary signal (only) to engage the throttle and the Honeycomb only triggers a binary signal when the levers are positioned in the reverse position. 

So, we offer a workaround. 

If you want a quadrant with an axis reverser portion (as opposed to a binary signal), you need to use the Thrustmaster TCA for instance.

Here is a tutorial:


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Aerosoft

FlightSim Studio doesn’t publish the Lvars for the E-Jets yet because these are changing every update.
It would be impossible to keep track of it during early access.

However some other people do: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/

If you filter on E1XX you find a lot of presets that could also be used in other tools. It’s just nothing official and not guaranteed to work.


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