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Aerosoft Forum's Ranking System


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Can someone point me to an explanation of the rank tiers, since I suspect my current rank of "Newbie" is the reason I am unable to upload more than 2 Megabyte files to the Downloads section.


My login account is years old, and I previously uploaded 53Mb, likely prior to the implementation of the ranking system.


The file size restriction is ridiculous and frustrating. Really, two Megabytes?


The lack of information on how the ranking system works, and its influence on user activity is doubly frustrating.

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  • Administrator

Some download categories which generally don't require large uploads have smaller upload limits, can you let me know which category you are trying to upload to? It could be that the download category is incorrectly configured.


The information below is subject to change:

Ranks don't add anything to your account other than the badge. Every new thread you post earns you 10 points, and replies/comments earn you 5. There are some other actions which also earn you between 1 and 3 points. The ranks will likely be reworked in the near future to make them fit in more with the forum.


Newbie - 0 Points

Rookie - 40 Points

Apprentice - 90 Points

Explorer - 185 Points

Contributor - 250 Points

Enthusiast - 400 Points

Collaborator - 800 Points

Community Regular - 1300 Points

Rising Star - 1950 Points

Proficient - 2600 Points

Experienced - 3900 Points

Mentor - 5200 Points

Veteran - 9100 Points

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