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Flaps issue A321 professional


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There is a problem with the A320 and A321 Professional. I am unable to set flaps 2 for the aircraft. When I increase flaps from 1 to 2 or decrease from 3 to 2 the flaps lever snaps to 1. I am running on P3D 4.5 H3 and use X-56 Hotas. The controller works perfectly with other planes in P3D but not for the Buses. I have tested removing all controllers and the same thing happens when I use the F5-F8 keys on the keyboard. From flaps up pressing F7 increases to 1 and then snaps back. Pressing F8 gives full flaps, then F6 decreases to 3 and snaps back to 1 on the next press.


AB Version:

P3D V5.3HF2

Windows 10 Home 21H2




Thanks in advance for your help

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  • Aerosoft

Hello @RKR,


did you try the same with other hardware bindings removed? Since this sounds, as if another hardware input blocks the flaps... I will additionally ask @SimWare for input.

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I removed the only bindings to two Logitech joystick keys for incremental flaps. That did not help. The issue persists.

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  • Aerosoft
28 minutes ago, RKR said:

I removed the only bindings to two Logitech joystick keys for incremental flaps. That did not help. The issue persists.

This seems to work well.
See the video I just made.
I unplugged all the connected hardware and operated the flaps with the keys only.
---> Do you have FSUIPC installed ?

Best regards.

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I unplugged the joystick controller, removed the bindings and used F5-F8. Still the same issue.

Best regards

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