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Problems with Airbus 318/319 Pro + Navigraph +Prepard3d V5


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I have just bought and installed Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319 Pro on my Prepard3d V5 Professional flight simulator and although all other aircrafts work perfectly with my last airac version 2113, I’m incapable of creating a flight plan on my FMS computer.

All the reference airports and other navaids are “not in the data base”.

I have checked all the files required: documents Aerosoft user files, configurator, etc., and nothing helps.

I send three pictures to confirm my worries.

In this situation the software is useless.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Please before posting make yourself familiar with the structure and choose the correct section.


Show us a screenshot of the MCDU showing which database is loaded. To get there: Klick on the MCDU MENU button and then on LSK1L "FMGC" and make a screenshot.


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Sorry it’s my first-time buying products from Aerosoft, therefore I don’t know how to “manage” the different areas of the forum.

As showed, apparently, the navaids database is correct Airac 2113, jan 2021 -> jan 2022.

The IRS is also aligned, therefore the FMS knows perfectly where the aircraft is.

Even so, the FMS doesn’t find the data. Example: EDDF (Frankfurt), should be easy, is a common german airport.

I have no idea, why the FMS doesn’t accept the navaids data.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
33 minutes ago, IMANOL said:

The IRS is also aligned, therefore the FMS knows perfectly where the aircraft is.

This got nothing to do with the navdatabase.

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I have reinstalled the software, left the default setup for the navaid and it apparently works well. Thanks for your help.


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