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Issues with Thrustmaster's TCA Quadrant

Juan Alejo

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So, it has been happening to me that when I activate reverse mode in the Thrustmaster Airbus TCA Quadrant (by pulling the "pads" up and moving the throttle down), it doesn't do so on the sim and, consequently, on the aircraft. Is there any solution to this? Thanks by advance to anyone!

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On 4/4/2022 at 2:48 PM, John1088 said:

Try this thread.



I tried taking a look at it but it hasn't resolved the problem. Everything works fine, the thing is that if I pull the pads up, it won't recognize it, so the reversers won't work. The throttle will go to the reverse position, but since the pads would not be "pulled up", the reverse function won't work.

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  • Aerosoft



- What Airbus is it exactly ?
- What P3D version ?
- Please send me a screenshot of your Aerosoft Airbus Configurator.


Also, the pads themselves don't trigger any signal.
They are just locks to prevent the throttles going in the reverse zone if not pulled.

Best regards.

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