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Forum Maintenance Period (02/05 - 03/05) ×

Changing Liveries Shuts the Plane Down

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Hello, first off, AMAZING Update!!!



I noticed a glitch most people will probably not encounter when changing liveries (within the same aircraft model)on this fantastic update.   


If you are sat at the end of the runway ready to go and change the livery the plane turns off the engines, all MCDU and FMC data is lost etc.  even if you pick the same model and engine.


If you are mid air, when the new livery loads all the systems have shut off, cockpit is cold and dark and the gear appears extended. In this instance you cannot turn batteries on. Obviously the 3rd MCDU "reset to take off state" optionswont work as you are in the air and it wont let you turn on any power until you put the plane back on the ground.


I realise this is a professional simulator and not many Airlines I know of choose to repaint their aircraft mid-air or on the taxi way ;-)


However, my son (the flight sim Captain in our house) does like to change his mind on liveries after I've set the flight up meaning (thanks to his Autism and ADHD) and I can reset the flight 2 or 3 times and he gets very wound up.


Is there any way to overcome the this or to save the panel state (like PMDG) and save MCDU state to enable these to be quickly restored?  Would also make very quick flight setups possible (he tends to fly the same routes over and over and over and over....).


Apologies if I've missed something obvious.  Thanks for your guidance.


Nik (and Captain William)


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  • Deputy Sheriffs

You can save the panel state, just by the default flight saving/loading function of P3Dv4. The panel and mcdu will be saved/loaded automatically.

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