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Want to start buying payware airports,,,help... (X-Plane)


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I use ortho4xp and cant fly anywhere unless there is ortho and good w2xp scenery. So my first payware airport was Beti-X and the scenery was great, but it would not work well with Ortho tiles(not a problem in this area though as the ortho images was really poor). So now im in a situation where Im scared to buy another payware scenery because Im afraid it wont play well with my ortho tiles. So my question is, what sceneries from aresoft will work with ortho? Color blending is not an issue for me, im more worried about included mesh messing up the tile, like i had with Beti-X....


Help is appriciated, so I can start buying scenery(again)...

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Weird, no aerosoft customers have any expirience with ortho tiles and payware airports..? Well I guess I saved alot of money now, back to x-plane.org and download some more freeware:D

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

For a question like yours, you need to wait longer than 11 hours to conclude "no aerosoft customers have any experience with ortho tiles and payware airports." Not every simmer even knows what an ortho tile is. Give the community a chance to respond before making a hasty decision.

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Sorry, im just in a hurry to spend some cash on this excellent sim:p. I have a few Aerosoft sceneries on my radar like ENGM and ENBR and the upcoming Svolvær an Værøy sceneries, but I will not spend a dime unless I know I can somehow get them to play well with my ortho scenery...


Also I like to kick Aerosoft in the butt a little and all other payware devs for that sake, because, atleast they should say in the product description if the scenerys can be used with ortho or not. Kudos to Mister X for actually adding competability with ortho in he's fist payware scenery. They should also say wether it will be compitable with the Ai traffic addons out there...

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On 9/12/2017 at 01:39, kaboki sagte:


Also I like to kick Aerosoft in the butt a little and all other payware devs for that sake, because, atleast they should say in the product description if the scenerys can be used with ortho or not.

In fact they do. The problem is that you obviously miss several points about Orthphotos:

Bigger Photosceneries are required to use their own mesh. Every mesh tile describes a 1° by 1° tile of the earth and X-Plane can only use 1 mesh at the same time, in the same area.

On the other hand several airports bring their own custom mesh to simulate a slopped runway, or reproduce the area in a much better resolution. So if an airport has its own custom mesh X-Plane can either show the airport mesh or the Orthphoto mesh, but not both.

But you could recreate the Orthphoto mesh with the help of the airport mesh.

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On 13.9.2017 at 7:30 PM, KarstenS said:

In fact they do. The problem is that you obviously miss several points about Orthphotos:

Bigger Photosceneries are required to use their own mesh. Every mesh tile describes a 1° by 1° tile of the earth and X-Plane can only use 1 mesh at the same time, in the same area.

On the other hand several airports bring their own custom mesh to simulate a slopped runway, or reproduce the area in a much better resolution. So if an airport has its own custom mesh X-Plane can either show the airport mesh or the Orthphoto mesh, but not both.

But you could recreate the Orthphoto mesh with the help of the airport mesh.


Never seen in any payware products except the new mister X payware that says wether or not it can be used with ortophoto tiles....... Yeah i know its the mesh that mess up the orto tiles, but there should be a user friendly way to integrate the airport mesh with the ortho mesh(devs should give us a tool like mister x did, clearly he understands that alot of customers use ortho4xp)...

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vor 5 Stunden , kaboki sagte:


, but there should be a user friendly way to integrate the airport mesh with the ortho mesh..

There is no such tool You can only deactivate or activate a custom mesh. Everybody can do this in the scenery_packs.ini file.

The mesh in X-Plane is much more complex than the FSX files. For a long time, the only way to modify the mesh was a complicated

commandline tool. In Bergen they used a new tool, that might one day be able to modify the mesh on the fly. It is a pretty often

wanted feature but Laminar doesn´t see any possibility for a small and simple tool at the moment. SInce they currently overwork

the complete rendering engine such a request has to wait.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 20.9.2017 at 19:38, KarstenS sagte:

In Bergen they used a new tool, that might one day be able to modify the mesh on the fly.


Correct. It was a first test case for a new tool, which I'm developing. And yes, it would be great, if we developers - sometime in the future - have the opportunity to "patch" meshes on the fly, but the possibility of that goal depends on so much details - not only technical - which can only (and should only) be solved in cooperation with Laminar Research. I expect, that they also have their own ideas to realize a such important feature, and I'm really looking forward to it.


For the meanwhile, I have the idea, that a reachable goal could be, that scenery developers ship only "patches" and not finally rendered tiles with their scenery packages, because they are currently overrule the mesh the user has installed. A "patch" would manipulate the mesh, whichever the user has installed.


A warning, before you expect now to much: The further development of my new tool strongly depends on the further plans of Laminar Research. As long I don't know, how long the current DSF specification still has validity or in which direction it will be develop, I'm cautious with further investments.


On 13.9.2017 at 19:30, KarstenS sagte:

But you could recreate the Orthphoto mesh with the help of the airport mesh.


That would be only correct, when just the underlying elevation model had changed. In the case of ENBR, also the triangulated network was modified to achieve a terrain model really close to the reality. Independently from the technical aspect: Please carefully read the copyright section in the manual: Already reverse engineering and decompilation is not allowed.


Cheers, Matthias

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On 10/14/2017 at 03:31, maps2xplane sagte:

That would be only correct, when just the underlying elevation model had changed. In the case of ENBR, also the triangulated network was modified to achieve a terrain model really close to the reality. Independently from the technical aspect: Please carefully read the copyright section in the manual: Already reverse engineering and decompilation is not allowed.

In the statement, that you quoted here, there was no reference to your tool. So why do you now try to construct a connection? And the information inside of a mesh can´t be protected against any interference, if it is necessary to make it compatible.

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vor 1 hour , KarstenS sagte:

In the statement, that you quoted here, there was no reference to your tool. So why do you now try to construct a connection? And the information inside of a mesh can´t be protected against any interference, if it is necessary to make it compatible.


Sorry, if we misunderstood each other... Let me explain: You suggested to "recreate the orthphoto mesh with the help of the airport mesh"? I understood it that way: Take the airport mesh (= the custom mesh shipped with the airport) and use it as input for the creation of a new orthophoto mesh (= e.g. input option "custom elevation model" in Ortho4XP). That way requires the decompilation of the airport mesh to extract the elevation model and therefor my two hints, that 1. it will not work in the case of ENBR and 2. it's not allowed when you follow Aerosoft's copyrights.

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With the slight diffference that even aerosoft can´t interfere if you correct the mesh for yourself. It would be totally legal to cut the redefined airport parts out of its standard mesh and place it inside an Orthphoto mesh. The reconnection and reintegration are the tricky parts, that is totally beyond the scope of the Orthphoto tool or Laminar, but you could do it by hand, if you would have the nerves to do something like that. You wouldn´t be allowed to publish the new file, but this wasn´t asked.

The problem is more that the original poster doesn´t understand what the tool by misterX really does. It simply disables its own mesh.


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