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Issue with 'Next WPT' in route.


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Since upgraded to vers. 1.31, i noticed this issue 3 times:

I start entering a flight plan in the left MCDU: Entered departing SID and, in its last point, introduced the route via 'AIRWAYS'.

The last waypoint in my route was a 'Direct To', so i search the last fix in the MCDU, and introduced it via 'Next Wpt',

Since this last waypoint, started the corresponding STAR, so the flight plan was complete, without any discontinuities. So appeared reviewing it in the Nav Display.

Well, wen in flight, i arrived over the last fix entered via 'AIRWAYS', the airbus goes on straight ahead, not going to the point entered as a 'Direct to' (despite it shows well in the Nav Display). I fixed it doing a 'Direct' to the intended point using the MCDU.

First time i guess it was my mistake, so was more carefull second time. Introduced the 'Direct to' point inserting it after the last point defined as 'Airway' point. It shows OK in the nav display, but shows the same behaviour in flight (gets lost).

Third time happens the same.

I'm not sure if this issue appeared in this last version, but it's the first time i noticed it.

My configuration:

-Flight Simulator FSX Steam Edition.

-Aerosoft Airbus A320/A321 Vers. 1.31.

-Navigraph Airac 1512.

Thanks for your support.



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No. I revised the hole flight plan in the 'FPLAN' page on the MCDU, free of discontinuitis. The navigation display also showed a continuous line from the first point until the arrival airport.


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Here is my last route:

Departure airport: LEZL (Spain)


Flight Plan: N440F300 SANTA UM744 LASIB DCT PESUL


Destination Airport: LPPR (Portugal)

As i said, i entered departure SANTA2G, ending in SANTA fix. From this, i selected 'Airways', and intro 'UM744' to 'LASIB'.

The last point is a direct: PESUL, wich is the begining of the PESUL3C STAR to LPPR.

The issue occurred passing by LASIB fix.

I'll be cool if you could replay it. Thanks!

NOTE: Maybe it helps, but i remember that the STAR PESUL3C introduced a hold in PR652 fix, wich i deleted (was not necessary). After this, i checked the flight plan founding no discontinuities.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Deputy Sheriffs

Hi AHS267B,

I just did your flight and with me everything went as expected. The AP made a nice right turn towards PESUL after LASIB. 

The only thing I did different is that I inserted PESUL directly after LASIB and did not go to the LAT REV page to do this. Why the extra step? As I did not enter PESUL as NEXT WPT it could be that there is a possible bug there but I doubt it. Just try entering PESUL directly after LASIB and see if that works out for you.

Happy Landings!

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Thanks for replaying the flight plan!. As i told, i inserted a 'direct to' waypoint in two ways: as a 'next wpt' in the last point's lat rev page, and as you did, directly inserting the point in the fplan page. Both resulted in error.

But, since then, no new unexpected issues occurred, so i guess was my mistake or an unpredictable bug.

If nobody else reports this issue, i think it's wise to forget it.

Either way, thanks for your support.



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  • Deputy Sheriffs

It could have been that the AP had a problem with the sequencing at the waypoint before LASIB and PESUL. There is a certain "fly over" logic whereas the waypoint itself is not 100% overflown and this might have caused your problem. I had a wind of 250/50 and this did help with not overshooting. Also the PESUL after LASIB is suboptimal when you see that the aircraft has to turn left for a short distance to LASIB and then right with more than 60 degrees to PESUL. The AP is also only human afterall. ;)

I will set this topic as answered but if this problem occurs again please feel free to post it here.


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