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Posts posted by BenBaron

  1. vor 12 Stunden schrieb Uber_Screw_2k:


    Thanks for getting back to me.  I think I have found the issue.  I use addon linker and so when I installed the dependencies on a drive other than the one I use for msfs, the exe.xml file was directed to find the application in the folder on the non msfs drive, now I have changed the exe.xml file to find the VDGS application in the core msfs community folder, it all works fine.  Thank you for helping me work through this 👍

    Yes...currently tinkering with any of the pathes/packages names can cause issues with the vdgs driver. But, great you've found the culprit! Happy flying.

  2. Am 31.3.2023 um 17:08 schrieb GB1608:

    I am having the same problem i have followed all the steps etc but still not loading 

    Screenshot 2023-03-31 160702.png


    Hi and same for you:

    Am 29.3.2023 um 21:11 schrieb BenBaron:


    please do the following: exit the simulator, open up the file "Community\aerosoft-vdgs-driver\aerosoft-vdgs-driver-log.ini" with a text editor and change the line "Verbose=0" to "Verbose=1".

    Save the file. Restart the simulator and try to get the vdgs to work just like you did before. Then re-attach the created log file for us to review.


  3. Am 30.3.2023 um 20:05 schrieb Uber_Screw_2k:

    Hi Benjamin I have completed your suggested steps, once again without success.  This time I attach some additional files to confirm instructions have been adhered to as well as a screenshot to see what I am seeing when I start the application at stand 4 @ EDLP.  Really hope this provides some clues?


    Thanks for the on-going support.

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 30_03_2023 18_59_27.png

    aerosoft-vdgs-driver-log.ini 53 B · 3 Downloads aerosoft-vdgs-driver-log.log 8.4 kB · 2 Downloads


    thanks for the log file.


    As you can see there is multiple entries stating: "Airport 'EDLP' COULD NOT be verified, reason: 'PACKAGE_NAME_UNVERIFIED'" in the .log file. So...what is the name of the airport package in your Community folder? Have you changed it?

  4. Hi,

    please do the following: exit the simulator, open up the file "Community\aerosoft-vdgs-driver\aerosoft-vdgs-driver-log.ini" with a text editor and change the line "Verbose=0" to "Verbose=1".

    Save the file. Restart the simulator and try to get the vdgs to work just like you did before. Then re-attach the created log file for us to review.

  5. Am 22.1.2023 um 22:00 schrieb Yamakazi:


    I see also that if i stand at the gate (start the flight) i have to use ATC in MSFS to operate the jetway... but when arriving at the gate the gate will automaticaly operates after engine shutdown..




    I understand correctly that generally you got it to work? Yes...other addons that also drive the jetway (like GSX) might interfer.

    That the jetway will only connect after a successful docking and not on initial loading is normal and as expected by design.

  6. vor 11 Minuten schrieb Mathijs Kok:


    I hope to prove you wrong Benjamin! Some of the team members had some suggestions that Anne will try out tomorrow.  As modeling is nearing completion she has some time to experiment. The work on icing weas completed ahead of schedule so before she jumps back on the cockpit to sort out the last issue there I think it is a good idea to allow her to see what can be done. I am a big fan of letting devs have some time to experiment.  It's so rare that that is possible these days. 


    Will add you to the discord channel where it is discussed. 

    I for sure like to be proven wrong on this one Mathijs, as it would raise the immersion bar quite a bit :-). Just add me to the channel, please.

  7. vor 39 Minuten schrieb JeremiahChopper:

    Hi there... As we seen icing (looks damned good and it is good to know it affects the flightmodel, a lot of highly praised DLC simply does not do that), how about rain? PMDG and most other DLC aircraft do not have functioning windshield wipers and almost all that do model it look like crap to be honest.


    It rains a lot and in an Airbus most icing systems are automated, so rain is in my book a far more important issue. How are you handling that?

    Reason why no dlc aircraft has it is that this is something that needs to be implemented on a core MSFS level. Nothing addon developers can do about it.

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