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Repaint Tutorial?


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All I can say about HD textures is there is no quick or easy way to create them or any good reason to do so . The model wasn't made for such large textures and any mistakes will be easier to see ( in the model itself or your paintwork ) . All it does is create very large textures occupying a larger piece of your hard drive . I did make a set for myself but the size of the texture folder went from 14MB to 56MB for a single paint .

Don't have CS6 , I normally use PaintShopPro 7 but there must be an option to resize your textures .

If by DXT you mean DXTBmp then when saving make sure that in the top right of the screen ( where it says MipMaps ) that no boxes are " ticked " .

The only real advice I can give is practice , practice ,practice and after that practice some more , it's how I started painting the Bus and there was no one to help me or the other painters involved .

Expecting a STEP by STEP guide to painting this aircraft is going to fail , as there is no good or bad way to paint and everyone will have their own methods , take into account no one else replied to your question and I personally do not have the time ( or inclination ) to create a tutorial or presume to have the qualifications to make one .


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Hey JarredMark

"HD" is everything with a bigger resolution than 1024x1024px. So most aircraft for FSX and P3D are aleady HD. FS2004 can't handle textures that big (2048x2048px or 4096x4096px resolution). You can upgrade or get textures to "HD" by just resizing the base paintkit files to the next bigger resolution 1024px > 2048px > 4096px.

PLEASE BE AWARE! Resizing texture files makes them bigger and details blurry so you might or you will have to redo the whole paintkit youself! Even the file size will be increased rapidly! Even creating such an updated HD paintlkit takes time. I've posted a picture of my BA Dove Olympics theme Project Airbus A32x HD Series down below. Took me 3 years to upgrade the paintkit and about 1 year to create the livery, it's 100% hand painted!

Mipmaps only make sence if you're creating sceneries, as you don't need to have a huge texture displayed (let's say 2048px or even 4096px) if the building is barely visible!

This tutorial taught me how to repaint airplanes for FSX:

Repainting or in general texturing is all about learning by doing and failing.

I've been creating textures for about 5 years now and I still have to things improve! If you're using Adobe Photoshop (doesn't matter if CS4, CS5, CS6 or CC) you can download the NVidia DDS Texture Plugin. You won't need DXTbmp then to open your texture files as you can do it with directly Photoshop. The NVidia developer tool can be downloaded here: https://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-texture-tools-adobe-photoshop

Here's an example what an HD Texture looks like. I did a HD upgrade to the freeware Project Airbus A32x Series for FSX some years ago:


If there are more questions on how to, feel free to PM me.

Greetings, Daniel

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