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Fuel Planner


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I'm sure to have missed something out, but I don't seem to be able to load fuel & payload via the fuel planner.

I loaded the fuel planner, loaded fsx and the repaint of the a320 I wanted to fly, switched to windows mode to be able to manipulate the planner, entered the desired payload and fuel, exit the fuel planner and went back to full screen. Inside the cockpit, the fuel didn't change. What am I doing wrong?

Also, do I really have to load the airplane and flight or is it enough to load the airplane in the welcome screen to be able to upload fuel and payload. As I am flying fullscreen, it is annoying to load the flight, have to go back to windows mode to be able to open the fuel planner and then back to full screen mode. It sometimes makes my FSX unstable.

However, I tried all of it but can't upload the fuel and payload. Nothing changes.

Thanx for your help.


Update: Next time I loaded the sim, suddenly the fuel was loaded according to my previous upload. I tried to load fuel again, and it worked. Now I was starting the fuel planner as admin and I suppose this solved the problem.

Still remaining the question if only the plane has to be loaded in the welcome screen or if I have to load the flight as well for the fuel planner to be working. I'm asking this as I don't like to toggle between full screen and windowed mode once I loaded the flight. And if so, are there any other ways lo load fuel and payload?

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  • 3 months later...

i have the same problem. but i guess it does not load the fuel automaticly. i am not sure but it just calculates how many tons of fuel you have to enter to the MCDU's "block" section.

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