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Create Route With Same Origin & Destination

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I've been on roundtrips in real life where for example you fly around an island though with the same origin as your destination, however PFPX will not allow this when I create a route in that fashion. It may sound odd to many out there, however if for example, I wanted to check out a scenery(eg. Seychelles X) with a jet aircraft. Is there any way round this or is it just not possible?

Thanks in advance and any help would be much appreciated.


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You actually can auto route and it's very easy. You need to find some points that you want to go through and connect them with auto segments.

For example, if you have ALPHA, BRAVO and CHRLI represent three different points that you might want to fly through. Type into the route field "AUTO ALPHA AUTO BRAVO AUTO CHRLI AUTO" and it will work out the automatic segments.

However, if you are doing a VFR flight around an island, PFPX is probably not the tool to use. You're probably better off using simplified flight planning (e.g. in the 737NG, the burn rate can be given as a conservative 2400kg/h; for a one hour trip + one hour gross reserve [contigency, final reserve, holding, etc], just load 4800kg).

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