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load specific control profile automatically for different planes with P3D


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Is it possible to automatically load the control profile I have created and saved for each different airplane in P3D , directly when I load the aircraft ?

where do I move the xml file do get this behavior, or what else to be done 
for now, in P3D,  I have to go in option/control/import, and chose the correct xml file
I don't find this very convenient, 
I have read somewhere that FSUIPC is able to fix this, but I expect that it can be done manually

thanks in advance for your reply

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  • Aerosoft

Do you mean you want the simulator to automatically load the adequate control profiles  according to the plane loaded ?
P3d does not do that natively.

For information, the controls bindings are saved in the "Standard.xml" file usually located here
... AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D\Controls\

FSUIPC does that to some extend (The "Aircraft Specific" checkbox) but only for the bindings created in FSUIPC, not the ones in the simulator.

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