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Oslo-Gardermoen jetways


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Absolutely brilliant work ! Thanks. Apologies if I'm being ignorant here, but I can't see any of the Jetways operating.
Is it just me?

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  • Verified Developer

Hello, thanks!
The jetways should indeed operate, are you trying to trigger the connection through the default ATC / Ground Services menu or a 3rd party app such as GSX?

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Hey Jo.

Thanks for the reply. Still struggling I'm afraid.
I'm using GSX Pro. Not using default ATC.
I tested against a known benchmark (EGCC) and the jetway operates OK.


I had ENGM excluded initially from GSX so your model took priority.

Back to ENGM for tests:
When connected via VATSIM Vpilot I cannot see any aircraft connected to a jetway. See pictures.
When not using Vpilot, jetway does not operate via the FBW 320 flypad, or GSX. And in fact I noticed today that GSX won't load at all (even after running a GSX update) whereas yesterday it was fine - so maybe a GSX thing temporarily. Hey ho.
I then un-excluded ENGM from GSX and ran the same tests which revealed the same results.
Sorry to drag this out Jo. I can entirely understand this is probably unique to me, but seeking to verify if it is a wider issue.

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