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A3xx crashes seconds after turning on power


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Hello everyone,


I'm creating this post because I really don't have any more ideas of how to fix this. I just installed the newest version of A3xx Pro for P3Dv4, which crashes only seconds after turning on ext. power. Judging by the event viewer this is related to KERNELBASE.dll, error 0xc0020001. I have done my research and tried basically everything I could to solve this issue, as suggested. In total I have tried

          Re-installing the buses several times

          Re-installing and updating any visual C++ redistributable that I could find

          Performed SFC and DISM checks

          Reseating basically all hardware components, and checked that they work

Basically, what happens is that the aircraft loads correctly into the cold and dark state, I turn on ext. power, sometimes an ecam message will flash very irregularly, something related to fuel, but I couldn't quite catch it; and then P3D freezes and crashes eventually. This problem only appears in the buses. I hope somebody can help me with this issue.




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