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Bravo Potentiometer Cleaning?

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Hi all, just looking for a bit of advice regarding a Bravo throttle quadrant with just one throttle axis misbehaving.

All of axis 1 to 4 and 6 work fine with full range of axis and detent button triggering. The 5th axis behaves differently though.

When I put the lever to max, it only shows as going to about 75% (and quite jittery). If I move it to the minimum pre-detent position, instead of showing zero it shows about 10%. When moving the lever into the detent position, the detent button is activated as expected, but also the axis value goes from 10% to zero as I move the lever, not instantly, like it's reading the last bit of the potentiometer.

This behaviour is consistent in both the windows joystick calibration tool and the control options in MSFS.

I suspect that the pot for that axis needs cleaning at best? Maybe it's position has slipped and needs adjusting? Worst case, it is faulty and needs replacing?

Strange really as this is probably the least used axis in my setups. But I like flying the ATR42/72 and need it for that as well as 4 engine jets.

The unit is more than 24 months old so out of warranty but so far I have resisted opening it up to do any maintenance. Has anyone had similar issues and managed to fix them?

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  • Aerosoft



Cleaning the potentiometer would be very tricky as these are extremely small (see picture)
What you can do first is make sure the potentiometer is the culprit by swapping two cables and check is the issue "follows" the potentiometer or is in the interface board.

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  • Aerosoft

Yes, you can *gently* spray some cleaning fluid on the potentiometer.
Make sure not to overflow the system as it may short printed tracks or connections.

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Well finally decided to open the Bravo up and check things out. Before I opened it, I confirmed on another PC that Axis 5 was still misbehaving - it was.

Did as you suggested and swapped 5 and 6. Hey presto, both axis working perfectly (but obviously on the wrong lever). Somewhat puzzling so swapped them back and good news, all axis including 5 now working perfectly.

So I am not really any wiser but all I can assume is that a wire/connection was not quite right and my messing about with it fixed it. Hopefully it's a permanent fix.


For future reference then, if anyone else has an axis that does not seem to be functioning correctly, it may be worth just unplugging it and plugging it back in - and maybe ensure all the other plugs are seated OK.

Thanks for the assistance

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  • Aerosoft

Glad it works !
Thank you for the feedback.
I will consider all this in future troubleshooting sequences.
Nice from you for sharing info and experience. Highly appreciated by the community !

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  • 6 months later...
On 9/22/2023 at 11:57 AM, SimWare said:

Glad it works !
Thank you for the feedback.
I will consider all this in future troubleshooting sequences.
Nice from you for sharing info and experience. Highly appreciated by the community !

Can anyone tell me the value of the potentiometer please

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