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SimWings Gran Canaria - P3D version 50% more expensive. Why?

Ray Proudfoot

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I use P3D v5.3 and was considering buying Gran Canaria airport. The same airport is available for MSFS which I have no interest in.


Why is the P3D version 50% more expensive than the MSFS version? It’s reasonable to assume both have the same level of complexity. And with fewer users buying P3D products I would have thought the price would be discounted perhaps to match the MSFS version.


Why are P3D users being charged so much more?





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Mathijs, thanks for your reply. I’m sure you’re aware there are frequent discounts to P3D products on SimMarket. There’s one ongoing now.


So without revealing any confidential info can you say whether this airport will be discounted at a future date? 30 Euros for an airport much smaller than Heathrow which cost me the same seems inordinately expensive.

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Thank you Mathijs. Given how much P3D sales have reduced there seems to be a reasonable case for offering reductions. I'll hold off buying it in the hope you reduce the price of Gran Canaria.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don’t know about your local town but here in England shops have taken a real hammering because of Amazon. Pretty depressing really.


I’m sorry I couldn’t enrich Aerosoft on this occasion. With so many having switched to MSFS I’m surprised you can’t entice those loyal to P3D with a few discounts. 😬

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  • Aerosoft

When sales on a platform is really low (as it is for P3d unfortunately) you can either decide to get the most out of each sale or to spend more on more sales (sales costs. support etc) with a lower price.  It is up to our marketing department to make those decisions.



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