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Xplane can't read HC profiles.

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I'm trying to use profiles generated by the configurator in Xplane, but nothing shows up in Xplanes joystick settings regarding new profiles.  Also what do I have to do to get the yoke and TQ to be compatible?  See photo: 

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the Alpha Yoke has no default profile.

Only the Bravo Throttle has a default profile (Default_Throttle).

This you can load with the Configurator Menu "Profiles".


But for the Alpha Yoke you have to configure the two axis with the X-Plane 11 Menu - setting Joystick....


Most of the Bravo Throttle knobs you also can configure with the X-Plane 11 Menu Settings Joystick.

But you also can use the default_profile and only configure the Axis (Throttle, Prop, Mixture ....) with the X-Plane 11 menu.


For the complete configuration of the Bravo Throttle please look here:



If you configure the Honeycomb with the Configurator, then it is normal if you don't see this configurations in the X-Plane 11 Menu - Settings - Joystick.

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Thanks for that.  But related to this is that I can't get the Default_Throttle profile to transfer to Xplane itself.  I have followed your advice with the zibo_test profile, but Xplane doesn't see it.  How do I get access to the profiles stored in the HC?  I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple.

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I don't know the Zibo because I don't have it.


But you have to activate at first your zibo test profile with the Configurator:

"Profile" - Select profile - Load.

Then "Actions" - Activate Current profile.

Then start X-Plane 11, start the Zibo 737 and then goto the plugins menu - Honeycomb - BFC_Throttle - Reload Bindings

and so X-Plane 11 will load the before activated profile.


That shall work if the profile is correct configured for the zibo...


Greets Heinz

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Thanks!  I haven't found this written anywhere so your answers were very helpful as I am up and working now.  I thought that the Xplane Bravo setup page (in Xplane) would display the name of the profile that is loaded.  I realize now that it is not displayed until you save it as a profile with another name.   Thanks again.



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