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Wanted: Focus group for stand alone flight sim product

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  • Aerosoft

As you perhaps know I use 'focus groups' to assist in development. For example for the A330 development we have a skype chat room where our developers and experts (real pilots) and people whose advice we respect, can interact. It's more than beta testing as we also need feedback on the commercial aspects etc. Basically it is a skype group to tell me I'm out of my freaking mind to try something.


For some new projects I am looking for people who can assist. The projects are VFR stand alone flight simulations (so not FSX/P3D/XP add-ons) that are easy to use but have a pretty advanced simulator engine behind it. Graphics are pretty amazing. But this is not FS2017 or anything like that. Limited and focussed projects aimed at a wide audience and not our average experienced customer who spend more than a fair amount of money on add-ons and wants to know the exact trim setting for take-off (as if FSX/P3D cares).


I am looking for people who got either some experience flying single engined aircraft from small airports or who have bought way too many shitty STEAM games they never use so they know what does NOT work. These Skype groups are sometimes empty for weeks until we are unsure about something and need somebody to talk to, then they can be very busy for a few days. But they are never boring.


However I insist they are a place where people can say what they want without it leaking. If I share my doubts about a feature on a new project it stays in the skype group. So their is a vicious NDA and when you do leak I will send my smelliest dog to stay with you for a few weeks. Having a good status on these forums goes a long way to get you in. (in fact it is the only way to get into these focus groups or our beta programs).


Still interested? drop me a mail at mathijs.kok@aerosoft.com.

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