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Route Finder with RADs considered

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I have a question concerning the Route Finder:

When RADs are considered many route proposals (i.e. it affects arbitrary From/To) are kinda weird with sharp corners which are most probably no option for real flight planning. (3 example screenshots are attached)

I figured that it has to do with the RADs because with the option "Ignore RADs" checked in the Advanced Route Finder Dialog the proposals are way more "smooth".

I assume that it is quite complex for the pathfinding algorithm (probably some kind of A*?) to consider all those route restriction properly. That's why I don't want to complain but rather want to ask if PFPX's route finder is just not capable to generate proper routes with RADs considered - at least for a large number of To/From pairs. OR is there something the user can do to make it work?

Thanks and regards





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One more question associated with this: I would be very thankful if one of the developers could explain what the different route finding option *really* do in detail and which constraints are considered and which are not by them.

The manual is too vague to find an answer to this.

Thanks again.

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