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Aerosoft XP12 Scenery Updates - Info Thread

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  • Verified Developer

Hello everyone,


as most of you hopefully have noticed we (that's me and a newly forming team that currently has no name) have started to port existing Aerosoft XP11 sceneries to XP12. This thread is intended to be some kind of feed to deliver information and updates about this project and the actual releases so you don't miss them.


As we already have some sceneries pushed out to the public I want to list them here to provide some quick overview about the state of the project. At this point of time the following sceneries have been updated to fully featured XP12 sceneries:



All sceneries are based on their latest XP11 versions and reworked in every necessary aspect to make them true XP12 sceneries supporting all of the XP12 scenery features such as seasons, weather effects, 3D vegetation and so on. We don't just port them over and then forget but instead the goal is to make these sceneries the best version they ever had and there are many aspects that are further enhanced and optimzed, such as ground textures with new detail and dirt layers, revised orthophotos with new color optimization for XP12, bump maps and seasonal variations, new volumetric grass, new custom meshes if needed (by Maps2XPlane of course) and lots of necessary corrections and bug fixes.

The scenery updates are all free for owners of the corresponding XP11 versions (when bought at Aerosoft directly, most stores also handle things this way but there might be exceptions as it's up to the stores how to handle this) so owners can simply check their XP12 section in Aerosoft One to know if their favourite scenery is already updated.


Finally I have to add some expectation management: The sceneries, as long as not stated otherwise on their product pages, are all more or less identical to their XP11 version in regards of modelling, these are all updates focusing on technical aspects and XP12 functionality but they are not newly created airports which means, depending on the actual scenery, they might not perfectly reflect their real world counterparts if those have changed since the time the airport was made for XP11 at first - the modelling aspect is not part of this XP12 conversion project for many reasons.



We hope you like this project and enjoy the XP12 sceneries as well as we did creating them.





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Tromso XP12 (initial release XP12 version)


The scenery has been updated to XP12 standards and also ships a new custom mesh by Maps2XPlane as a highlight, Matthias has exhanced his tools to create more detailed coastlines for all of the island to create accurate coastlines in the mesh perfectly matching the orthophoto - an Ortho4xp patch and custom DEM are also included. Aside from this Tromso also comes with the new volumetric grass by default and of course it covers the whole feature set of our XP12 sceneries:


  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Ground textures including reworked PBR reflections and new normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Reworked vegetation placement and new volumetric grass
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, no other add-ons or plugins required
  • Reworked autogen and streets placement
  • Revised parking lots with many additional static cars
  • New, fully XP12 compliant mesh including soundscape, seasons and 3D waves (including Ortho4xp patch and custom DEM)


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Helgoland XP12 (initial release XP12 version)


Helgoland has also been updated to XP12 and it's another scenery using a mesh by Maps2XPlane allowing soundscape, correct seasonal timing and threedimensional waves on the water. Aside from this it's more or less looking exactly like the XP11 version but with added weather effects, seasonal variations, revised ground reflections and lot's of fixes. Wind turbines are no longer controlled by SAM only but will use it for desynchronized animations if it's installed and will use native XP animations if it's not installed - this happens automatically and is part of our efforts to optimize the situation with the SAM plugin as best as we can, not dropping the plugins functionality when it's useful but also provide fallbacks and alternatives for users who don't want to use the plugin in XP12.


For technical reasons there are no XP12 3D trees used in this scenery but as there are only some few trees at Helgoland it should be fine overall, the feature list aside from bug fixes and internal optimizations looks like this:

  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Ground has adjusted PBR reflections
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, no additional add-ons or plugins required
  • Adaptation of the animated wind turbines to XP12 (animation also without SAM plugin if not installed)
  • New, fully XP12 compliant mesh including soundscape, seasons and 3D waves


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St. Tropez XP12 (initial release XP12 version)


Here we go with the next XP12 scenery update which is St. Tropez (La Mole), with all XP12 scenery features and also the new volumetric grass we created just some weeks ago.

  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Ground textures with adjusted PBR reflections and normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Revised vegetation placement and new volumetric grass
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, no additional add-ons or plugins required
  • Revised autogen and streets placement
  • Reworked static aircraft (now fully switchable)


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Dortmund XP (maintenance update to 1.1.0)


This is more or less just for the records: There is a new update for Dortmund XP available updating the volumetric grass to the new assets and fixing a gap in the city autogen introduced with latest XP12 base scenery version. There has been an update previously adding dedicated winter orthophotos and further improving ground textures at EDLW airport, which I think is both worth mentioning.




Version 1.1.0 (this update):

  • Added new volumetric Grass
  • Fixed small AutoGen gap

Version 1.0.1 (just for your information):

  • Added winter orthophoto version
  • Updated EDLW ground texture details (ground should further look better in snowy conditions now)
  • Fixed Ryan Air static aircrafts shining in the dark
  • Fixed short taxi and ground route segments


Here are some screenshots showing the major differences compared to the release version, new grass assets and the revised ground details:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Verified Developer

Airport Zürich V2.0 XP (maintenance update to 1.0.2)


The new update should be available by now adressing some issues regarding ramps, lights or taxi routes not matching the ground markings properly - This has all been fixed and everything should be aligned almost perfectly now. Aside from that we have optimized some other mostly ground related things so the pavement should look better too.


Here's the full changelog:

  • Fixed ramp start positions
  • Fixed SAM jetways, VDGS and marshaller positions
  • Added more ramp starts
  • Aligned center line taxi lights to match taxi markings
  • Added missing center line taxi lights
  • Reworked SAM configuration
  • Added new SAM fallback library (now uses invisible placeholders, removed 'install SAM' signs)
  • Reworked taxi routes (now following the ground markings as good as possible, fixed short segments)
  • Optimized ground textures
  • Optimized weather effects


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Airport Newcastle XP (initial release XP12 version)


The XP12 update for Newcastle has just been released for download via Aerosoft One. The scenery now features all our usual XP12 features such as weather effects, full seasons and visual adjustments:

  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Revised Ground textures including PBR reflections and normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Reworked vegetation placement + new volumetric grass
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, no other add-ons or plugins required
  • Reworked autogen and street placement
  • Revised static aircrafts

Note: There is still an option available to enable an ortophoto optimized for Orbx TrueEarth, please check the scenery's OPTIONS folder to activate the orbx version manually - this is no longer done via SAM to minimize our use of the plugin so the feature is available also for users not using SAM.


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  • 2 months later...
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Airport Stuttgart XP12 (initial release version)


It's been quiet for a while but some more scenery updates for XP12 are arriving and the first one is EDDS Stuttgart which is now available via Aerosoft One for download. Stuttgart has been updated to the usual standards bringing all the XP12 scenery features and an updated XP12 compliant mesh including Ortho4XP patch by Maps2XPlane.

Those are the new changes and features of the XP12 version:


  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Revised ground textures including PBR reflections and normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Reworked vegetation placement (new volumetric grass)
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, with no other add-ons or plugins
  • Reworked autogen and street placement
  • Revised static aircrafts
  • New XP12 Custom Mesh from Maps2Xplane (incl. Ortho4XP-Patch)


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Airport Istanbul XP12 (initial release version)


And here is the next one that is Istanbul for XP12 by SceneryTR, an update for the XP11 version released in 2021. This is a special airport for me personally because it's the largest airport in the world and the only turkish one I contributed to, I really like that airport.


The XP12 version supports all of our XP12 technical features such as weather effects, full seasons including seasonal orthophoto variations and this time there is even a custom mesh included ironing out the chaotic bumps and cliffs seen in the XP11 version resulting in a much more visually pleasing scenery than before. The custom mesh as usual is made by Maps2XPlane and comes with an Ortho4xp patch.


The changes compared to the XP11 version are as follows:


  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised lighting
  • Revised ground textures including PBR reflections and normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Reworked vegetation placement (new volumetric grass)
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, with no other add-ons or plugins
  • Reworked autogen and street placement
  • Revised parking lots with many additional static cars
  • New XP12 Custom Mesh from Maps2XPlane (incl. Ortho4XP patch)
  • Animated wind turbines without SAM plugin (but can be SAM controlled if installed, this happens automatically)


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German Islands 1: East Frisia XP12 (initial release version)


Today, the east frisian islands got their XP12 update. The scenery now features seasons for the first time (the XP11 version did not have that for package size reasons) and is brought to XP12 standards with all the latest XP12 tech we have at this point, including new vegetation and the beautiful modernized volumetric grass at all airfields.


The coastlines are a bit of a challnege here because the way this is rendered by the simulator is very different compared to XP11 and there is a huge difference in this regard between XP 12..0.9 and XP 12.1.0 so the scenery will look differently to the XP11 version because of the way XP12 handles water surfaces - we can't put our orthophoto on top of the water as in XP11 to define the coastlines but this is now defined by the base mesh so it will look a bit edgy here and there. There isn't much we can do about this at this point, a custom mesh could fix this but would be pretty expensive and might break the budget so the scenery does not have that for now.

Further, the coastline situation caused all orthophoto based breakwater dikes vanish so we had to create 3D objects for them resulting in all of them are finally there in 3D.

The new features are as follows:

  • Standalone, fully customized XP12 version
  • Revised ground textures including PBR reflections and normal maps
  • Revised orthophoto, color optimized for XP12, including autumn/winter version and normal map
  • Reworked vegetation placement (new volumetric grass)
  • XP12 3D vegetation for forests, trees and bushes for seamless integration into the environment
  • Weather effects for wet, snow and ice
  • Full support for native XP12 seasons, with no other add-ons or plugins
  • Reworked street placement
  • Coastlines depend on the mesh used
  • Additional breakwater objects


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