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Twin Otter X glass


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  • Aerosoft
Why glass looks so different on different screenshots? On one of them they're like a mirror, on other looks normal. Wich glass are in release?


Because we use a more and a less reflective glass set depending on the model and livery (sometimes one set looked better on the model). We can help you exchange one for the other though.

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Hi there Twotter fans.

I admit to being responsible for the different glass versions (VC windows internal reflections/gauge glass and reflections/external glass colouring and reflections). I wanted to do some repaints (two Norwegian AF and one Canadian Forces CC-138) and did not like the greenish glass and heavy chrome like reflections. This was even more noticable when enabling light bloom in the sim. So, basically, all paint schemes except mine uses the glass textures that are in the "fallback" folder under the "Aerosoft Twin Otter 300" folder.

My glass can be found in the "texture.RNoAF_057" and "texture.RNoAF_XJ-K" folders under the "Aerosoft Twin Otter 100 Wheels" folder or in the "texture.CAF" folder under the "Aerosoft Twin Otter 100 Floats" folder.

The files are named:

DHC6_texture_8_C.dds --> diffuse and reflection on the VC glass

DHC6_texture_5_T.dds --> diffuse and reflection on the external glazing (cabin windows etc)

DHC6_texture_7_T.dds --> diffuse and reflection on the gauge glass

The above 3 files can be copied to over to whatever livery specific folder you may desire and the sim will read these textures instead of the ones in the fallback folder. If you decide not to use them anymore, just delete them and the sim will again read/load the glass textures from the fallback folder.

My paint schemes also feature custom bump-maps and custom prop textures. These cannot directly be adapted to other paint schemes as they are model specific and paint scheme specific. The reason for doing them was that I felt some of the default bump maps showed recessed rivets instead of elevated ones and that the prop discs in motion did not exactly match the aircraft I wanted to do. I also added prop blade logos etc. My props are, when in motion, not represented as a complete disk but as individual diffuse prop blades. I am aware that this is not always realistic but I feel FS still has some way to go before showing props realistically and when doing a 360° disc in motion, it can easily be overdone.

Thanks and best

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