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Posts posted by falcon409

  1. Well it beats......... kibbles and Dogtreats don't it. . . .

    Actually the "Kibbles and Dog Treats" performed more than admirably while this production was on hold all these years. I'm glad the OV-10 has made it into the more than capable hands of Mathijs and the very talented team here at Aerosoft, but I'm also thankful for the abundantly talented freeware designer who keeps the dog treats coming.

  2. I have my aircraft separated into folders per type of aircraft rather than all in the "Airplanes" folder. I installed the OV-10 and let it install to the normal folder, then moved it like I do any other aircraft, to it's proper folder. The Bronco doesn't like that apparently because now it won't load since it can't seem to find the airplane. Basically it goes through every single sound file as an error once I select the airplane to load. Where is the pointer that tells the system where the airplane has been moved to so I can correct it?

    Found it! The file I was looking for was in the panel folder, just changed the directory string and all is well.

  3. I have my aircraft separated into folders per type of aircraft rather than all in the "Airplanes" folder. I installed the OV-10 and let it install to the normal folder, then moved it like I do any other aircraft, to it's proper folder. The Bronco doesn't like that apparently because now it won't load since it can't seem to find the airplane. Basically it goes through every single sound file as an error once I select the airplane to load. Where is the pointer that tells the system where the airplane has been moved to so I can correct it?

  4. I've been ready some concerns on another website about the sound set for the Bronco. One likened it to the sound of his lawnmower. I know there were limitations because of the type engines and what was possible with the FSX limitations, but does anyone have any first hand "I just flew it for an hour and the sounds are excellent" sort of comments?

  5. Actually, the second shot shows it even better. I've reproduced the pic below with a circle to indicate the area normally pinned. It actually looks in the pic as though there is a screw or bolt in that area. Actually it's an open hole to slide a "ball lock" style pin into after flight and during maintenance. Also, as I said above, my experience has been that this is also done from the back, in other words the handle shown would rotate 180 to be correct.

  6. I have been looking at that first pic in the series thinking there was something not quite right about the internal Canopy Jettison Handle orientation. It wasn't all that long ago that I was still working our Block 30's. Now, if the newer blocks are different then disregard this but on our 16's and every one I've ever worked on, the canopy jettison handle was pinned on the backside of the handle. . .aft to fwd. In that first pic, the handle is rotated so that it would be pinned from the front and at least in my time working the F-16's (22 years) that's incorrect.

  7. Thanks guys. . .here's how I went about it:

    loaded FS9 (compact installation)

    after installation and the obligatory running of FS9 to make sure everything is installed I gutted every folder. . .emptied them, all except the scenery folder.

    Next I ran the Super Cub Installation

    After completing the install I went back to the gauges, effects, scenery and modules folders to see what it had installed.

    What I found was. . .no gauges, no effects, no scenery and 1 module which I moved to the modules folder in FSX. there were a few gauges installed in the base cub panel folder (which I left there) and that was it.

    I'm quite content!!

  8. Hi Vin, yea got it working. Only disappointment is that there's a female in every plane, lol. What happened to the guy???

    I noticed the problem gauges (Airspeed, Altimeter, HSI and the odd radio). I replaced them via FSPanel Studio with like items from my gauges folder and all is well. What a fun airplane. I also deleted about half the repaints as I don't really care for tons of airplanes I won't fly anyway. The tundra is the one I fly almost exclusively. You can put that puppy (oops sorry Larry, lol) down almost on a dime. Great airplane.

    I fly mostly over at WSPilots and Emma, although I can't fly Emma Field right now because it hasn't been done yet for FSX.

  9. Well, I'm really disappointed. I would have thought that Aerosoft would know a paint kit when they see one, lol. Shoot I paid less for the Super Cub than I pay for lunch, lol so this is more a lighthearted jab than a serious criticism.

    A good paint kit has a base color of some neutral color, ideally white or light gray. . .not brilliant orange, lol. It also has the rivets layered out as well as panel lines, highlites, shadows, etc. This has none of that.

    I had already started a paint kit using one of the textures that was a neutral gray. I have already done the rivets and the fabric highlites and was moving on to some shadows (each on a separate layer) and then probably try a quick paint to see how everything works. I did all that in the span of a few hours. . .shame, shame aerosoft. Lunch is one me, :roll:

  10. Hi Skinny, good ta see ya in here. Well guys, none of that worked with this installer. I ended up reinstalling FS9 (doing that now). I'm going to gut the folders, leave those intact and leave fs9.exe where it belongs and go about my business, lol. Probably should have done that anyways, but FSX worked so good after a lot of tweaking that I knew I'd never go back to fs9.

    Anyway, thanks to two good friends for your assist and hope to meet up online sometime. Been a long time since we flew together.

  11. I posted this inside another thread and it's never going to get answered there. I just purchased the Super Cub and discovered that the autoinstaller will not accept FSX as a flight sim target area. Is there any way to install this airplane in FSX? I deleted FS9 a long time ago and this is the first installer that wouldn't just accept the path and install.

  12. As usual I should have asked first before purchasing the Super Cub. . .can it not be installed into FSX? I no longer have FS9 on my system. I tried pointing to the Simobject folder in FSX and that's normally all I have to do even with autoinstallers, but not this one. . .of course.

  13. Yea, you'd think that would be the case, but not for me. I'll be going from a very nice paycheck twice a month to minimum wage if I'm lucky. I was never very good at saving and now I'll reap the effects of that. A lot of what I have now will be gone in a month or so.

    True retirement is for those who were diligent and saved every cent they could along the way, investing wisely as they did. For those who didn't, it's a case of going from a nice paying job to anything they can get, especially at age 60.

  14. I decided to start a new topic because there is some more news to give. . . .For starters, the first DX10 graphics cards are being send into the retail market. The nVidia GeForce 8800 GTX is fully DX10 capable and the first test show this to be a very fast card that should sell for around 600 Euro/Dollar. A price that surprised me a bit as I would have expected it to be higher. . . .

    :shock: :shock: $795.00 for a video card?? :shock: :shock:

    Is that what Flight Sim has become with the release of FSX/Vista/DXT10 Technology? A toy for the rich? What surprises me beyond the price is that no one seems surprised at that. If that really is the future then I won't be part of it.

  15. Hey Mathjis,

    I hoped that would get some kind of response. I like your style and you've always been pretty straight with us, as much as possible, but I know FSX is taking a large amount of time for the reasons I mentioned, so I'm sticking with my assumption for now and if you guys pop it out to the "Store" before that, I'll be a very happy camper and admit my misgivings were misplaced.

    All the best!!

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