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Posts posted by Tim_A

  1. Why not just get hold of the appropriate charts for the area? There's nothing like having the real thing, after all. ;)

    I don't know what country you are in, but most European pilot stores stock German charts, and they are normally happy to export them to you. There are two sorts: ICAO/National charts are produced by the local aviation authority (CAA or equivalent), and are as accurate and up to date as can be. For Germany, there are 8 charts to cover the whole country at half-mil scale. The other alternative is the Jeppesen VFR+GPS series. These charts are available for most of Europe, and have the advantage of a consistent "look and feel" for all countries. They tend to be cheaper and have a reputation for being less comprehensive. Germany is covered by 6 charts

    Here are links to both chart sets:



    There are, of course, other stores. This just happens to be one I use.

  2. I fly online a lot, and with the com radios not having a standby frequency, I'd like to be able to switch between com1 and com2. But how do I make com2 the active radio? I can't see an audio switch panel, or am I being blind...

    Thanks :)

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