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Posts posted by alexvs

  1. Oliver,

    I don't believe my eyes. I was to shaken, not stired. Cloud9 Eham, Bergen Cloud9, Norway airports, Swedflight? (not sure if I saw this very well), Dragon9 VHHX, and VHHH, Bergamo, oh, my goodness. I have to buy credits again. This goes very fast. WOW!!!!

    And, finaly, Cloud9 changed their minds about their policy?!? Umberto Colapicchioni (alias Virtuali), one year ago we had some harsh conversation about this on the C9 forum in relation to AES and the support of for example Amsterdam FS9 version. If you made this AES update for C9 airports possible, I have to give you some credits too. One cheer for Umberto then. Yesterday I was just thinking this fact when I visited the DreamFactory site to get the update 1.3, the other company you also work for (I suppose). I thought "why is Zurich AES compatible, and should I send Umberto a post on the Zurich forum to consider once more to do this also for C9 Amsterdam?" No need, this makes my hometown airport main hub even more top-of-the-sceneries.

    So, Aerosoft and C9 (Umberto), this rocks and made my day.

  2. Barnesy,

    Maybe it helps to walk along this checklist:

    1. Zurich is visible and looking good? Yes/no

    Yes, then do step two, no, trie to reinstall Zurich.

    2. Park at Zurich, parking brakes on, engines off, save the flight as your default one.

    3. Try in AESHelp to activate Zurich again (the Dreamteam one because in version 1.93 there is also the freeware Zurich in the list). Check if it's the right one you activated. All's right? Yes/no.

    Yes, do step 4, no redownload AES version 1.93 and try to reinstall (no removing of the one you allready installed).

    4. Start FS2004 again and look if the marshaller is there and the airsteps and cargo loaders beside the airplane.

    You can see the steps and cargo loaders but the bridge doesn't move to your airplane?

    Yes, do step 5, no then Oliver can help better I think.

    5. Slew the plane forward until the right parking place or with ctrl-w and the F8 function key. Does that work?

    Yes, then it is solved, no there most be something wrong with or the scenery Zurich or maybe with the scenery.cfg.

    Try it. Maybe it helps.

  3. Oliver and Harpsi,

    I got the source from ISD. But my directory name was different. Maybe I changed in the last few years. Don't know.

    But the changes of Harpsi did it. I now have AES on Olbia. Perfectemento.

  4. Oliver,

    Can't get LIEO working. I get an error that says "scenery not active". I looked at the CFG file in the AES directory, changed the name of the directory of Olbia, and in my scenery.cfg, but that didn't work.

  5. Team AES,

    You've overdone yourself again. And this is my own Christmas present. I'm crying an wetting myself. New procedures for parking, de-icing, Italian airports from ISD en lots more. I don't believe it. Just downloaded it and have to install it, but the pictures speak for themselves. One word, WOW :D:o :shock: :? 8) !

  6. Applause, applause for Oliver,

    Oliver your point is noted. You couldn't be clearer.

    If I understood you right, the lifecycle of AES for FS9 is firstly until AES2.0 for development of AES add-ons like de-icing trucks, luggage cars, etc. (untill the boundaries of possebilities within FS9) and then for possible new airport support of AES until FS 11?

    If that's what you meant, it couldn't be clearer. I'm a happy FS9 user until FS 11 is released. Jippie. Long live FS9. And the many, many, many download possebilities at AVSIM for FS9 proofs we FS9 users can stay at this MicroSoft version and AES for al long time (see the very high up- and download numbers of FS9 freeware add-ons after more than 1 year after the introduction of FS X :D:lol::) ).

  7. Mathijs,

    2020?!?!? Don't be silly. At that time we have super eight-core computers and FS XX with a real virtual sky screen in our hobby room :lol:.

    But all jokes on a stick. When do you think to stop developing AES versions for FS9? I'm curious about the span of life-cycle of this FS9 product. What does Aerosoft have in mind?

    Speaking for myself, I think I'll skip FS X, wait for FS11 because of the poor improvement of ATC facilities in FS X for the "commercial virtual pilots" and the idea to spend tons of money to upgrade all of my FS9 software to FS X versions.

  8. Yep Mathijs,

    You're right. I kept this in my mind. Aerosoft (and we as helping customers) can do little if the developers can't or don't cooperate to make things "AES-proof". So that's why I'm trying to write as many freeware developers as possible and give their names to you to contact them. I have helped with ISD, so maybe they can make more of their sceneries "AES-proof" :lol:.

  9. I think we loyal AES users must have the faith in the words of Oliver and Matthijs. Although their policy with developing new sceneries says otherwise, I think, hope and have faith in the words that Aerosoft will develop enough new versions for FS9 AES software. Hope version 2 this winter with de-icing cars and enough to do in 2008 with more addons like baggage cars for suitcases, more groundcrew cars from personel around the aircraft, an airstair more like a truck instead of the one now and custom colored/stickered trucks and fuel trucks (for example the BP, or Exon ones).

  10. Yes, congrats Earosoft. Also bought some credits.

    Would be nice. ESSA, EKCH and others from Swedflight or Norway freeware airports. Then I could fly further north in Europe.

    Also waiting as patiantly as I'm able!!

  11. Shaun,

    I have 276 other add-ons. Deleted them from my scenery.cfg. Didn't work. Then I got an idea. With the programm JABbgl I looked at the "stock airport" elevation. In the Aerosoft scenery it is 129.2 meters. The stock was 127.5. With the programm I made the stock airport as high as the Aerosoft one, and, BINGO!!!! This does the trick. Both now 129.2 meters elevation.

  12. Hi,

    I installed Dortmund. I deleted all double afcads, disabled the old EDLW airport (removed from GA2_FS2002 the *EDLW*.BGL files) and I checked the elevation in the AF2 file delivered in your install of Dortmund. All seems right, but I have sinking AI. Look at the attached picture. Did I do something wrong or can you look at my scenery.cfg? I can send it to you if you want?

  13. Oliver,

    I knew you can't give a releasedate. That's why the percentage. No stress, I appreciate your answer and that's more than sattisfying. Keep the good work! 8)

  14. Hi Oliver (and teammembers),

    I didn't have the time to come to Paderborn. So that's why I pop the question here. When will AES2.0 be released? Or, if a date can't be given away, how far is it from the planned releasedate (progress 60/70/80%?)? Just curious :).

  15. Hendrik,

    Aha, you didn't know? Normaly your described situation doesn't allways happen. At large airport like London and Paris your situation occurs only 3 to 5 % after a landing. At smaller airports likely all gates are serviced. I think it has to do with framerate. It drops to far at large airports if all gates are serviced. But I don't know this for sure. Only Oliver can give you the best answer on this matter.

  16. Hendrik,

    I guess (and think for sure) that AES doesn't service all gates at all airports. See for example Paris Charles de Gaule. That's why FS9 sends you to a gate that's first available for your type of aircraft and this gate is in this case not in the list of AES serviced gates.

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