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SAM Fallback Library

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Not Applicable X-Plane 10 Version
Not Applicable X-Plane 9 Version
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1 Screenshot

About This File

As the name says - this is a library working as a fallback for users who don't want to install SAM in XP12 for some reasons. The library uses invisible placeholders for all SAM Library content so scenery loading errors are prevented and also messages telling the user to install latest SAM Library are removed.

Note: Please have this library on top of your scenery_packs.ini so it can remove the "please install SAM library" messages. If you don't see these messages anywhere, scenery order does not matter for this package and you can simply put it whererver you want in your scenery_packs.ini but if you see these messages simply put the fallback library on top so the message get's removed.

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