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Eurowings Discover (OCN) LH Group OFP template

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thanks for downloading my PFPX template. It closely resembles the current layout used by Lufthansa's newest leisure
carrier venture/experiment, the very young and very hip and very start-uppy 'Eurowings Discover'!
The OFPs are calculated by Lufthansa's dispatch centre so I would assume the current DLH OFP layout looks pretty
much the same. Keep in mind they are switching to electronic OFPs anyway though, so as for many airlines, printed
PDF versions of flightplans will be a thing of the past.

Anyway, I've built this layout because it was fun, it's a pretty comprehensive one, and I've also set it up to be 
compatible with aircraft types and fuel policies beyond your standard European A320 ops.

1) Go into Explorer, paste this into the navigation bar in the top center:

    "%PUBLIC%\Documents\PFPX Data\FlightplanTemplates"

   This will open a folder containing all your installed flightplan layouts.

2) Put the "OCN.txt" file into your this folder you just opened.

3) The next time you start PFPX, "OCN" will be available as a flightplan layout from the dropdown-menu.

4) optional: Lufthansa/Ocean seem to use Courier Bold around 12pt as font, 
            so you can set your PFPX up to use this, too.

Dispatcher info at the end of the OFP is taken from aircraft data. To edit, go into the aircraft database menu,
select and edit the particular airframe as follows:
    Remarks -> Aircraft Operational Data:     enter phone number here
    Remarks -> Aircraft Remarks:         enter SITA address (7 digits, uppercase) here
Known limitations:
1) "SPEED" in the header can only show one of three options (ECON, MACH, or FIXED) instead of
    "VRBL" in real life. VRBL should be displayed when a flight is planned with alternating
    speed schedules (e.g. Oceanic crossings through MNPS airspace with fixed MACH required, but
    taking off with a cost index)
2) Protected/un-protected contingency fuel not available in PFPX. The "CONT DES" in the fuel ladder is
    not accurate.
3) EROPS data lacks many many details that PFPX just doesn't provide, like for example approach minima or crosswind
    components at aedequate enroute airfields.

If you're into realism, feel free to edit these fields with a text editor after saving the OFP.

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