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Antarctica XP (Part 3)

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About This File

Coats Land and Queen Maud Land, Antarctica.


Antarctica4XPlane - Part III


The Antarctic Adventure continous! I am proud to present Part III of my Antarctica Mesh Scenery Antarctica4XPlane. It covers Coats Land and the western parts of Queen Maud Land, down to -81 degrees. Suitable add-ons as well as more regions will follow in the future: I recommend you to follow the development blog to stay up to date.


Creating a Antarctica Mesh Scenery is a quite difficult and time-consuming task. That's due to missing or not accurate data in the public domain. Many parts of this mesh scenery were modeled by hand, and a lot of passion went into this project. However, this ambitious freeware project cannot keep alive without support. Thus, if you like the Antarctica4XPlane project and want to support the further development, then please visit the project's support-site and support the further development.


Installation is simple: Unarchive the downloaded file and place the folder Antarctica4XPlane_3v1 into your Custom Scenery directory and add the following line near the bottom (below the research base sceneries) of your scenery_packs.ini:


SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Antarctica4XPlane_3v1/


I strongly recommend to switch on "runways follow terrain contours" and if you're already using X-Plane 11 then I recommend you my Antarctic Maps because X-Plane's default map doesn't cover the Antarctic Continent. To start your Antarctica Adventure with Antarctica4XPlane I suggest the Research Base Station Sceneries available on the project's website. First Sceneries are already available and hopefully many more will follow.


Please note: For this Part 3 doesn't exist so far any custom sceneries. Because of that, I attach an apt.dat (unzip the archive and move the apt.dat into Custom Scenery/Antarctica4XPlane_3v1/Earth nav data/) with some skiways and helipads: EGAH (Halley Research Station), SAYB (Belgrano II Base), AT16 (Neumayer-Station III), DRE1 (Drescher Ice Camp), ABA1 (Aboa Research Station), WSA1 (Wasa Research Station), SVE1 (Svea Research Station), AT12 (Kohnen Station), AT22 (SANAE IV Research Base), AT27 (Troll Research Station) and TOR1 (Tor Research Station).


Antarctica4XPlane comes exclusively for X-Plane, for free and personal use only, but without guarantee and warranty. Antarctica4XPlane is intended for flight simulation only and shall not be used for real life navigation or any other real life purposes. You are not allowed to modify, reverse-engineer or redistribute this scenery or to use any part of it in your own sceneries. Please contact me, if you have questions regarding the license or if you are interested in a cooperation or commercial applications.




Thanks to

  • The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) for digital elevation models
  • The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) for digital elevation models
  • OpenStreetMap Contributors for their mapping work on the antarctic continent
  • Nino for the initial ignition of the project, dozens of ideas and his support
  • All contributors and supporters who ensure that the development continues
  • Laminar Research for X-Plane and the permission to use their textures





What's New in Version 1.0


Revision History

  • v1: January 2019
    - 1st edition
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