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SAM3 now available

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  • Administrator

We are happy to present you SAM3. From today you can download the latest version (3.1.10) HERE.

The user interface has been fundamentally rethought. While it was previously function-based, we have now integrated all functions into the typical flow of a flight. Depending on the flight phase, the available functions are displayed, which enables a fast usage.


In addition, we have adapted functions in various places. For example, during flight planning, the planned and current aircraft weight is displayed (or imported from Simbrief, if applicable). The selection of the runway at the departure airport and the parking position at the destination airport are directly preselected for the FollowMe. On the Departure page, you can now control the third-party plugin BetterPushback in addition to the FollowMe. And last but not least, the Parking page displays the summary of times and fuel of the completed flight.


However, we have not only made it easier to use for end users, but also for scenery developers. Airports configured in SAM3 do not require the definition of jetways or VDGS systems, these are registered fully automatically. Nevertheless, there is still the option to set doors, takeoff position and other values individually. Of course, custom jetway objects can still be included. Also, a VDGS display can now be used correctly for multiple parking positions. In addition, there is an automatic configuration tool for Marshaller, which does the registration in seconds.

Of course all SAM2 sceneries can still be used without any problems. There is no need to update an already configured scenery.

The options menu offers a few new settings, the most important one is the option "always connect jetway" which is activated by default. This will always connect jetways to the aircraft, even if the 3D object would not actually allow this due to its dimensions. Note that this can lead to optical errors. So if you like it especially realistic like in SAM2, feel free to disable this option.

An important new feature regarding the SAM Suite (the installation manager) known in SAM2: This cannot be used for SAM3. We have a new tool called ContentManager, which works similarly, but now can be run both in game and externally. Also the activation of the extensions is done in it. For SAM3 to work correctly, any old SAM2 version should be completely uninstalled (including all extensions), including SAM Suite itself! Please keep in mind that after reinstallation all paid extensions have to be activated again. The SAM2 serials still work, just type them into the content manager app located at Resources/plugins/SAM.

If you want to have more information about the latest SAM version, we recommend our online help. In addition, our support channel via email is still valid and now a new discord server.

Although we have already tested SAM3 extensively, small bugs might still be there. So if you notice a problem, feel free to contact us.

SAM2 is no longer officially supported, but will remain online. So if you have problems with SAM3, which will be solved within the next weeks, you can still use the old version.

Now we wish you a lot of fun trying it out and we are looking forward to your feedback!

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