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FSDreamteam has released Zurich X Version 2.5 for FS9 and FSX, here you find the files to use this Version with AES

- Please take care, that you download the correct File for the AES Version you use.

- Extract the File to the <FS>\Aerosoft\AES Directory and replace the older Files in the Subfolders

- Start AESHelp and press the "Repair/Resync" Button below the Airport list

Here the files related to the used AES Version (older AES Versions please update first to AES 2.14

AES 2.14 ONLY:

Note: In FSX all and in FS9 at the Terminal B, the secondary Jetways could not be animated by AES, because the Scenery included Jetways could not be excluded.

Dear Christmas Simmer

Some simmer reported Jetways and other small are parts miss-placed at new Dock B. (not connected to the building on the north-west side)

I could solve this problem as follows:

In addition to the uninstall of ZurichX I had to delete the remaining old folder of ZurichX located in the FSX/FSdreamteam folder

finally it was a proper re-install. Overwriting the new 2.5 over 2.0 did not work properly.

But I did not install the specific AES file called AESA_LSZH_FDT.bgl into the AES folder. Probably Oliver will take care about this problem.

Have a nice christmas and regards from Switzerland Roger

Hallo Patrik und Threadteilnehmer (Flightforum.ch)

Es ist eindeutig, das Problem der falschen Jetways und Einparkhilfen wird durch die AES .bgl verursacht. Egal oben Version 2.14 oder 2.2

nähmlich AESA_LSZH_FDT.bgl. Lösche ich diese, ist das Problem gelöst.

Habs doch jetzt 5 x durchgespielt.

Hoffe , dass der Oliver hier im Forum das aufnimmt.

Wir haben doch auch noch Weihnachten !!

Gruess Roger


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