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Everything posted by theflyingmantis

  1. irrelevant. RT @ahnrina: not meeting boyfriend = gain weight. damn.

  2. Trying to spot (@ Weststar Aviation) http://t.co/jc3EdcJT

  3. In less than six hours, i will be reunited once again with the skies

  4. Unacceptable. Kalo ada situasi piye? :P RT @rifqi777: I really lost my flying skill

  5. RT @allyshadrw: BONJOUR! ☀ guess whaaaa?t final exams are over! Holidaaays \(^▽^)/

  6. That feeling you get when you wake up real early in the morning without having to study for an exam is ######ing awsome (for some)

  7. RT @TheRealRyanHiga: The crescendo and decrescendo of a mosquito flying by your ear is the most annoying sound in the world.

  8. RT @dindababy: I hate pengantar manajemen. Like, seriously.

  9. FlightTrack pro + liveATC a perfect combination @rifqi777

  10. Eyes itchy, can't fall asleep, mosquitoes, finals.. Hardcore! #junktweet

  11. *nyimak* RT @atanasarah: CAUCHY SCHWARZ berlaku kalo || <= ||u|| ||v||

  12. good thing @anandinta doesnt do this :)@ahnrina: ngambek adalah salah satu cara buat nahan supaya

  13. tai RT @deritamahasiswa: Belum bisa move on adalah saat kita masih mencoba kembali ke masa lalu (baca: ngulang))

  14. Selemaaaakk pinalti dan gol doh! @andedelonge

  15. haha kok kayak jadi di fs ya, pas milih aircraft :)) RT @indoflyer: ga Om.. hehhe.. tetep 737-300.. tapi jadi ada embel-embel 737-300(WL) RT

  16. RT @agessty_ghes: knp gw jd flu gni ya,bangun jam sgni

  17. matamu RT @IlromilI: sing bar pacaran no penak ndeeeessRT @baskorosusanto: jan-coook RT @IlromilI: radig... A lah #amin

  18. HAHAHA nggak nyambung. maksudnya mati kalo harganya segitu RT @anandinta: biasa smart kalo ujan gini --" RT @baskorosusanto: *mati* RT \

  19. read the press release yet @rifqi777 ? ms flight is available for FREE, which only includes Hawaii. and they call it a game.

  20. hey thanks! :) RT @anandinta: semangat ujian kalkulus lanjut, semoga lancar ujiannya @baskorosusanto (˘⌣˘)ε˘`)

  21. hah? ngumpulin terakhir jam berapa nih? RT @atanasarah: ngga kok. tapi lumayan tugas dapet 10% katanya. dan gw sangat butuh 10% bantuan itu

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