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Everything posted by deltabobo

  1. Wow...this night just took an unexpected turn...

  2. Merry Christmas....have a nice dayters full

  3. Merry Christmas...have a nice dayter's full.

  4. And they wonder why we love to drink...

  5. In honor of the dear leader's passing, I will watch "Team America, World Police!"

  6. Which loss is more stinging: the Vikings or the Packers????

  7. SKOL VIKINGS! Time to put the Pussies from Motown in their place.

  8. loves it when he finds out that his FAA inspector is a Vikings fan!

  9. RIP Harry Morgan.

  10. has got soul, but is not a soldier.

  11. Dear Tim Tebow...blow me.

  12. Note: if you want reach-arounds, go to TSA. They give them without paying.

  13. I'm convinced that TSA agents do not possess enough chromosomes to maintain plausible forms of rational life. Seriously, these folks are retarded.

  14. Im having an affair...her name is Siri.

  15. Heading down to SC...

  16. Adios McNabb!!!!

  17. Re: Red Sox choosing Bobby Valentine as their new manager...where is John Rocker these days?

  18. is just awesome...just saying.

  19. "They set us up to fail and wonder why we do...!"

  20. Early shift today. Gonna make this work thing my bitch.

  21. C'mon Viks, it's the Falcons for crying out loud!

  22. Reason why I don't listen to Nickelback...today's halftime show.

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