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George Curious

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Posts posted by George Curious

  1. Am 2.3.2024 um 11:26 schrieb MichaelXP:

    I would like to fly the twin otter, but no possibility to do so. @Aerosoft Teamdo we get the chance in msfs2024? 😉


    Be happy that you didn't buy it. I deinstalled it after a few flights. My only hope is, that whoever brings it out again will see to a decent upgrade first. Then I would love to buy it again. The state it was in after the last update was on par with any low-grade default Asobo airplane. At best.

  2. Hi all,

    I have been trying to find some stuff of North Sea Industries in the World Map of MSFS, but I was mostly unsuccessful. I only see a whole ton of ICAO-Codes, but no information of any kind attached. It all seems to be some oil and gas rigs. That's fine. But when I try to find a wind turbine, a converter station or a ship with landable platforms I have no idea where to start. There is this pdf from Mathijs with all the lists in it, but no cross reference to something you can find in the MSFS World Map. I have tried typing in a ship name or the name of a wind farm, but nothing comes up. I have tried skimming all objects with the mouse, but it's extremely tedious, and I never found a converter station. I found very few construction areas, but no finished wind farms like Alphas Ventus at all.

    How am I supposed to do this?


  3. Thank you, Mathijs, for the explanation. Maybe you are right that most customers just want to hear something they expect. Not something realistic.


    I can only speak for myself, and I expect it realistic. But that's not the important point here, because - as you stated correctly - next to all customers have no experience in what is realistic in the crew deck. So I couldn't be disappointed by how unrealistic it is. I just wouldn't know. I have been on a Twin Otter, but only as a passenger.


    The thing was, from the first flight to the last one (which was the second flight), that it was simply impossible for me to overhear all those technical shortcomings. It just felt like I was listening to an audio file playing in the background, unconnected to what happened in the simulator. It was the audio equivalent to a prop not being visually attached to the engine. Compared to that every mod, however unrealistic, is always better, as long as it's technically unsuspicious and somewhat "attached" to the plane.


    Their seems to be an order of importance here: At first come the technical aspects ("Immersion", not "Disruption"), then it should be believable for the random person on the passenger seat. Then it should be realistic (not unimportant, but third priority). As I see it, Aerosoft has delivered only on the second priority. Now forstalling the first by chasing the third priority might not be the best tactic.


    Having said all that, I am grateful that you are still willing to overcome whatever hurdles there are to create an "attached" AND realistic soundscape. There are a number of customers out there who are still patiently waiting ... and waiting ... 😉


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  4. vor 7 Minuten schrieb Mathijs Kok:

    This is the next ship being worked on... by tonnage it is the biggest ship in the world. Pick up a complete oil rig (30.000 tons). Did cost 2.600.000.000 euro to construct. 




    We are now also sure this will be the biggest DLC for flight simulator (counted in polygons) ever. We are now over 450 million polygons. In comparison, a very high end airport like our Brussels has under 5 million. I still get 60 fps btw.

    Incredible. What's the name of this ship?

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