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Posts posted by cobit

  1. Hello Mathijs,

    well, it looks like that so far nobody has even tried to confirm the issue.

    I am not saying that the scenery effects an engine, but at least for me it looks like the scenery is affecting the function "Unterstützter Start", and only at EDWY.

    The scenery also should not effect the start runway, but it was confirmed that it does. Again, only at EDWY.

    So with all respect, it looks like there is something odd.





  2. Interesting: When I set the Unterstützungsoptionen to "Alle Unterstützungssysteme" (which means "EINFACH" to all options) then I have the power setting effect again. I cannot get power, and not take-off.


    When using the mouse and disconnecting the yoke then I see that the power lever jumps right back to neutral, or when I slowly move it then jumps back and forth.


    After setting the Unterstützugsoptionen to "Mittelweg" (which means "MITTELWEG" to all options) then all runs fine.


    My fazit: there is a Unterstützungssysteme setting which somehow conflicts with the power setting, but only when located at EDWY, with the Islands package installed.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Thanks to you all for the support!



    - I don't know what FSUIPC is. So probably I don't have it.

    - The package was installed directly from Marketplace. Version: 1.2.0 from Jan 10, 2021 sais in "Versionsverlauf"

    - Assistent options off: Where can I do that?

    - Yoke is a Saitek Pro Flight Yoke System. I can disconnect but then I dont know how to control plane or throttle.

    - Hardware: PC 16 GB, Win 10 21H2 19044.1889


    Meanwhile I tried again with a Pipistrel Virus SW121. If I switch the throttle fast back/for/back/for I can get some airspeed and finally take off. I also see the animated throttle lever jumping back/for/back/for

    Soon after take-off the throttle reacts normal.


    Kind regards

  4. Thank you for confirmation of the runway direction issue.


    The throttle issue ONLY happens on EDWY, in combination with the runway direction issue. So the issue is location dependend.

    I understand that a scenery cannot control the throttle, however, it didnt happen before I installed the scenery, and it happens only there.

    So apparently there is a dependency/issue between the scenery and MSFS (or the plane type) which makes the sim unplayable at that location.

    I'll try with another plane type and report back.

  5. Hallo zusammen,

    ich bin relativ neu in MSFS und habe mir als Inselfan das Paket "East Frisian Islands Airfields" gekauft.

    So weit so gut. Nach der Installation musste ich erst einmal neu booten, weil da zunächst nichts irgendwie schöner oder besser aussah.


    Jetzt habe ich aktuell folgende Problemstellung:


    Mit einer Diamond DA40 TDI möchte ich von Norderney EDWY auf der 26 starten.

    Nach etwa 5 min Wartezeit erscheint dann auch die Szenerie, allerdings stehe ich auf der 08, nicht 26.

    Ja, ich habe es mehrfach probiert, ist wiederholbar so.

    Wenn ich Full Throttle gebe, geht die Drehzahl kurz hoch, um dann wieder abzusacken auf etwa 900 RPM.

    Kurzum, das Flugzeug bewegt sich nicht von der Stelle.


    Ich habe das gleiche auf anderen Inseln ausprobiert (EDWL, EDWG), hier läuft alles problemlos.

    Ich kann dann auch zu EDWY hinfliegen, scheint soweit zu gehen.

    Aber der Start wie oben beschrieben geht nicht ...


    Was habe ich falsch gemacht?


    Viele Grüße,


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