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Posts posted by wicktus

  1. Its called airbusx professional or version 2 in what world does it sound like a moaning topic for new airbuses ? it's a topic about an update for A320/321 let's leave it un-flooded and clear...

    sorry if I understood :

    all bugs known regarding the airbusX will be fixed in a free update, including for example the joystick throttle problem with some computer/devices ?

    ->a new advanced FBW system will be implemented in another update, which will be cheaper for airbusX owners ? you mean advanced FMC, ECAM (good chance on that one you're going to need it), as realistic as FSX allows it ?

    keep up the good work and it's always good to have your updates,

    regards :)

    • Upvote 2
  2. here you go, I don't want to bother you with the font's detail, if you manage to get the first font It'll be perfect for me :)

    the first font is the best I think



    PS just a detail, the red line is painted On the back door and the green and red line on the front door, perhaps you didn't paint them yet thank You very much Holgi

    • Upvote 1
  3. طيران الشرق الأوسط الخطوطالجوية اللبنانية

    in dark olive green

    just like the old livery, you can use the same font as ALMASRIA repaint


    for the door detail :


    hope it helped

    Just a tiny thing holgi, the green color on your livery seems a little too bright, except if you edited the pic, but that's not a problem at all :)

    • Upvote 1
  4. I have the Saitek AV8R-02 and it works fine. You need to assign the throttle axis through FSUIPC. As suggested check the forum for how this is done it isn't really that difficult.

    believe me I searched and found that we had to load the cessna 172 then the airbusX and everything else It didn't work.... but if for you it worked ^_^, then I'm going to try what you said, do I need the registered version to assign the throttle ? anyway thanks and i'm going to search the forum

    EDIT : I tried and It didn't worked I use Xpadder, could you please joka tell me how you did it not the FSUIPC part but if for example did you always let your joystick plugged or maybe I have to buy FSUIPC ?

  5. hi,

    first of all thanks for the support staff, their patches and advices removed every general bugs, so you greatly fulffilled your duty :), and I didn't regret at all buying this fsx addon :)

    Well, first of all my problem is not directly related to a bug, so i'm not complaining I'm just asking for some help, I know that we can't control the Airbus X without a joystick, so i bought a saitek Cyborg, with a built-in throttle axis, it worked perfectly with the Airbus X, but the cyborg doesn't work anymore (broken) , so I bought the saitek aviator (AV8R-02),

    after installing Xpadder to make it finally work with FSX, (because of a very weird default calibration), the throttle axis didn't respond specially with the airbus X ( every other airplanes didn't have this problem), the plane didn't move (throttle 0%) like if the throttle axis was unplugged from the joystick, I read on other forums, people writing about buying a separate throttle interface, but how can it be that the cyborg evo worked like a charm ?

    I came with two assumptions :


    -airbus X special requirement ?

    Thanks for helping me :)

  6. Hi,

    His Name is not olgi!

    It's Holgi ;)

    I think would do it but it would take some time!!

    He told me that he has work till end of january!!

    Regards Marcel

    Corrected it thanks :),

    He can take all the time he want , he's doing that for free after all and I'm more than thankful for that :)

    I just discovered his liveries, they're wonderful !

    • Upvote 1
  7. Hi just to put a request for the MEA IAE A321 Livery I've been waiting so long for someone to make it, I've tried but failed of course :)

    I've heard that 'Holgi' was listening to livery requests from airbus x buyer

    Holgi, first of all I think what you're doing for the community is really great :)) thank you :)! if you Would put it on your waiting list I'd very great from you and 1000 Thanks anyway for your precedent job

    here's the pic


    • Upvote 1
  8. hi,

    I just have an issue when i manually land, when i'm like 300 feet above the runway the plane just "capsize" from left to right and the nose point at the runway (so it's impossible to flare ).

    I bought the airbus X and re-installed it with the 1.11 update, I checked the fuel (approx 13%) and totally disengaged the AP, and I know how to manage myself with the throttle.

    And when I disengage the A/P the plane, just point (really) brutally at the water too then it repoint when it's above the runway :wacko:.

    I'm not complaining because I know you're working on different issues, I just think it's necessary to inform you, so you can work on the issue, I think other people informed you of this issue (with the autoland)

    for me the plane is just a little buggy (of course with the 1.11 it's better) but it's normal for a new product I think i just have to wait.

    I don't regret at all buying this product and seriously you did a really great job :).

    PS :I'm french so excuse me if i did some typing errors.

    computer :laptop

    MSi gt 627

    p9500 @ 2.97ghz

    nvidia geforce 9800m gs

    4gb DDR2

    FSX sp2 with REX 2.0.917, mytraffic 2010 and FspassengersX


  9. Hi,

    I just have a request for the mea livery for the a321, i really want it (like every other paint requester :)

    I tried to paint it but I suck at it, and I don't know all the paint technics (dirt, reflection, details...)


    Thanks, I can help anybody who have computer issues that's all i can do for helping.

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