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Difference between CFM and IAE

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By performing several flights with CFM and IAE versions with same weather and same airport , I noticed that the IAE version decelerates slower than the CFM version.

I don't know why i have this. Aerodynamics performances are differents between IAE and CFM version ?



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There's a big difference in IDLE thrust between CFM and IAE.. so that is mainly the reason why IAE Airbuses decelerate slower

Just out of curiosity - can you explain this "big difference" in more detail? Thanks!

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Lots of material about the difference in general. I was asking about the "big difference in IDLE trust", affecting so much the slowing-down characteristics of the plane.

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Lots of material about the difference in general. I was asking about the "big difference in IDLE trust", affecting so much the slowing-down characteristics of the plane.

You can see by yourself also on the ground: CFM has 20% N1, IAE has 24%

This difference, obviously is also there in flight

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