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nd and pfd problem

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I have a problem because I start the plane and I normally have to wait 5 minutes and then the nd pfd screens are loaded each time but that is not so they never load

anyone know how I can make those screens will be normal?

Here a picture

greetings matti

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Not sure I entirely understand your problems... did you align the IRS? Explanation how to can be found in the Step By Step guide.

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screens remain red even though it says that the plane load time is done they never change in their normal position
that is the real problem

The IRS always says 4 mn and then it should be normal but does not work

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

never seen this before. So obviously something is wrong:

- you installation is somehow broken

- or you did something wrong. e.g. moving the aircraft dirung IRS align

And Matti, about scrrenshots in FSX:

When you want to make a screenshot in FSX, simply press the "V" key and a bmp file named with date and time will be stored in the folder "...\my picture\Flight Simulator X Files". Open such a file, save it as jpg file and attach it here. ;)

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ja ik weet het ook niet dus ik schakel die 3 knoppen in het miden dan zegt het vliegtuig align in 5 mn maar na die 5 min zijn die schermen nog steeds rood zels 30min later nog steeds zelfde

vindt ik wel zeer vervelend en wil het oplossen

I did not know how to take pictures and now well thank you

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yeah I do not know, so I switch to three buttons in the polyamides says the plane alignment in 5 min, but after that 5 min are those screens still red fibers 30min later still the same

I find it very annoying and would solve

I did not know how to take pictures and now well thank you

sorry :mallet_s:

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thx ;)

Try to reinstall the Airbus, there is literally no code in the Airbus that could cause this, unless of cause you do not align the IRS correctly.

Do it according to the tutorial flight and it will either work or something is screwed up in your installation.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

I do not know so much sorry :(

Then please read the manuals. The Step-by-Step guide is even available in dutch (Vol6-StepbyStep NL.pdf) and can be found here:

"...\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Aerosoft\Airbus X Extended\Documentation\Vol6-StepbyStep NL.pdf"

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Well i wrote FMC (=Flight Manual Computer) because i have been flying athe Boeing 737 from PMDG recently.

In the Airbus it is called MCDU (=Multifunctional Control and Display Unit)

Ok, let's see if we can resolve your problem:

Put your Aircraft with the right MCDU in the "Cold and Dark State" (i hope you are able to do so)
Then look in the overhead panel and click both switches for battery. Then on "external power" so your aircraft gets provided with electricity.
Now turn the 3 IRS switches (over your head) to the right.
Now turn all dispays in the cockpit ON.

In the upper middle display there must be something like "IRS aligned in 5 min"

Next thing:
Look to the MCDU and click on INIT

Then enter your departure and destination airport and click on "ALIGN IRS".

Wait 5 minutes and the displays should be normal.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

In the first answer by Emi he asked you already if you aligned the IRS and pointed to the manual on how to do that. So instead of just opening the manual (you could have even just used the search function within the pdf to prevent reading every page) you pushed on for two more days until finally someone read the manual for you.

If you do not like to read I strongly suggest to watch the tutorial flight series on YouTube. It covers the entire tutorial flight from the manual.

Also the Airbus series of frooglesim/frooglepete on YouTube is highly recommended.

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Very good suggestion Tom!

Well i think he just did not know what the term "to align the IRS" meant.
If you are still a beginner one might think turning the 3 switches in the overhead already aligns the IRS.

But anyway, he will hopefully read through the manuals or watch tutorials on Youtube.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Of course you do not know everything as a beginner, you simply can't know. And asking questions is more than welcome.

I started flying the AXE about a year ago, read myself through the manual and did the tutorial flight several times. I never ran into that problem.

So, the answer is in the manual and by reading it closely and do to tutorial flight (as suggested everywhere) you can't miss this information.

But maybe it is just me with my high demands against myself when learning something new.

Matthias27, I didn't wanted to offend you. If it sounded like this I am sorry.

I hope you find as much joy in this wonderful plane as we all here do :-)

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