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Taxiway designations

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Just a minor point for airport developers here, but I think it's worth mentioning.....

If there are extended taxiway designations at an airport, then it's probably a good idea to shorten these when you are adding the taxiway designations to the AFD file. A good example would be "F-INNER" at EIDW Dublin. If this was shortened to "FI" in the AFD file, then ATC would only have to say "Foxtrot India", rather than "Foxtrot India November November Echo Romeo". If you have a number of these "extended" taxiway designations, then the ATC messages can become longer than is really necessary.

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IRL they would call a taxyway such as the INNER in Zurich just as it is named - INNER. Since the Microsoft ATC isn't able to speak such words it will then spell it India November November Echo Romeo.

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