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ETOPS tutorial

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Here are some explanations:

ELAP TIME is the flight duration before reach Entry point (04:23), ETP1 (05:13), Exit point (05:58)

You need to divert to GVAC before ETP1 and SBFZ after if one of those senario occurs: One engine out, Decompression, One engine out + decompression.

The two fields below are used to note the take off time (real), and ETA means real time of passage to the 3 points described above.

The next lines give adequate airports used for ETOPS. with the Entry airport (where going before ETP) and Exit airport (where going after ETP).

The next 2 are detailed position of ETP according to divertion airports.
ETP1 is located at N07°47,7' W032°23.2 the MORA (Minimum Off Route Altitude) to GVAC is FL 118 the track from ETP1 to GVAC is 46° flight altitude is FL 100 (below MORA), distance ETP1 GVAC is 769 nm, Flight time to GVAC is 2:00, with a 330kt IAS speed, 388kt TAS speed and 385 GS speed.
Fuel requested with 1 engine out is 16805kg and 15198kg with 2 engine.

Next line is the same as above for divert to SBFZ.

Line below is a summary of ETP1: N07° W03 flight level 100 with MORA 118.

Next is Fuel remaining at ETP without contingency reserve (16823) and with contingency reserve (17757)

Next details the fuel required includes 12.0 if anti ice is on and 10.0 if not and 6400 to diversion at GVAC or SBFZ

Finally, the adequate weather conditions must be OK between 23:36 and 03:38 at GVAC and between 01:21 to 03: 30 at SBFZ. Otherwise a diversion must be performed on nearest Airport with adequate Wx.

Hope this help



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I know what that means, my question didn't have to do with that. My question is how can I write the code and which strings are necessary for PFPX to display the ETOPS Summary like this

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  • 1 month later...

I dont understand what I'm doing wrong here.. I've copied the Alternates availiability times from PFPX template and I'm getting this:


So far, mine .txt looks like this:

<&WindowOfSuitability_Begin><&ETPApt> <&WindowOfSuitabilityEarliest[1]>-<&WindowOfSuitabilityLatest[1]><&WindowOfSuitability_End>
What am I missing here?
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becas: this reply is from bcars (confusing userids.... )

There is a strange requirement in PFPX EROPS that in order for these portions of the EROPSSection to work, there must be the <&ETPData_Begin> and <&ETPData_End> somewhere inside a EROPSSection somewhere in the OFP template ( doesn't matter where, only that it has to have been specified at least once)

Your Code: with a dummy ETP_Data section


<&WindowOfSuitability_Begin><&ETPApt> <&WindowOfSuitabilityEarliest[1]>-<&WindowOfSuitabilityLatest[1]><&WindowOfSuitability_End>


I discovered this a while back while working on my UAL template.

In fact, I made a small test that has your code as you included(without the ETPData ) and it works when I put my sample somewhere else in the template :


this is the test I ran. It has your code as is, and to show the positioning doesn't matter, I have the extract from my UAL ofp included After your code --- this is just a test

-- begin test etops


<&WindowOfSuitability_Begin><&ETPApt> <&WindowOfSuitabilityEarliest[1]>-<&WindowOfSuitabilityLatest[1]><&WindowOfSuitability_End>


-- ual etops ---
------------------------------ ETOPS ANALYSIS -------------------------------------

<&ETPEntryExit_Begin>ETOPS <&ETPEntryOrExit:6> AIRPORT <&ETPApt[2]> <&ETPEntryOrExitEET> <&ETPEntryExit_End>


<&WindowOfSuitability_Begin><&ETPApt[2]> SUITABLE <&WindowOfSuitabilityEarliest>Z/<&WindowOfSuitabilityLatest>Z<&WindowOfSuitability_End>

<&ETPData_Begin><&ETP_Begin>ETP-<&ETPNr> <&ETPLatitude[2]> <&ETPLongitude[2]>
FUEL REMAINING <&ETPFuelRemaining> FUEL REQD <&ETPFuelRequired>
<&ETPCaption> TIME FROM ETP TO ALTN AT <&ETPCruise>/FL<&ETPFlightLevel> IS <&ETPDiversionTime>
<&#[1]:30>ETP-<&ETPApt1> <&#[1]:50>ETP-<&ETPApt2>
DIST <&#[1]:30> <&ETPApt1Dist:5/R> <&#[1]:50> <&ETPApt2Dist:5/R>
AVG Wind Comp FL<&ETPFlightLevel> <&#[1]:30> <&ETPApt1WC[2]:5/R> <&#[1]:50> <&ETPApt2WC[2]:5/R>
FUEL <&#[1]:29><&ETPDescend:9/R> <&#[1]:49><&ETPDescend:9/R>
DESCENT/CRZ FL<&ETPFlightLevel>/Approach <&#[1]:30> <&ETPFuelRequired[6]:6/R><&#[1]:50> <&ETPFuelRequired[6]:6/R>
TOTAL FUEL REQUIRED <&#[1]:30> <&ETPFuelRequired[6]:6/R> <&#[1]:50> <&ETPFuelRequired[6]:6/R>
<&ETPOverWeight_Begin>*** FUEL DUMP REQUIRED ***<&ETPOverWeight_End>

Bruce (bcars)

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Thank you Bruce, i think pfpx still needs a little bit more work in costumizing fiels for ofp, specially in ETOPS and template manual explanation

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