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Aerosoft Airport: Brussels International (released)

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Hey aerosoft just a detail but on the Third picture of the brussels airlines hangar you can see two support pillars for the roof. They are grey on the picture but in reality they are yellow ;). Keep up the great work!

Edit: Is it possible to make the surrounding villages of the airport? Not very detailed of course but some nice landmarks like fences around the airport, water towers, churches and more :). As an airplane spotter at brussels airport it should be very nice to recognise all those spotting places :). Like 25L.

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Can't wait for the new one as the old one doesn't function well in P3D V2 (all the lights seem 'rotated' versus the taxi-runway layout)

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Keukenrol, Well spotted however, I am aware these are Yellow, they are just grey because they are not a finished model and need adjustments. ATM, I am building just inside the airport perimeter, neighboring villages may be added later.





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I hope at the end there will be done something about the autogen free zones around the airport. This has always been a problem for me with the predecessor that the surroundings looked flat like FS8.

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Keukenrol, Well spotted however, I am aware these are Yellow, they are just grey because they are not a finished model and need adjustments. ATM, I am building just inside the airport perimeter, neighboring villages may be added later.3_zps760e3275.png 1_zpsc740adfc.png 2_zpsf6cda957.png Regards

Thanks for the reply ;). There is currently changing a lot on the airport. I've been there yesterday, security on new places, some extra jetways, new buildings (like Jetairport), etc... But that's not all for the exterior modelling off course. However I've heard about plans to extend the A terminal to the west side. And now with all that work on the connector. Now my question is, will there be any updates after the fist release? Becouse I expect some changes in the following year(s). ;) Thanks for all the great work!

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Keukenrol: Yes indeed, this airport will be updated for many years after its V1.0 release

Xavier: Excellent photos! Perfect

Member111333: That is understood, though normally I leave vegetation til last, do not worry

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It's a realy good work ;)
But, I've seen on your screen that you forgot the new building in construction between the pier A and B. This building will join the two terminals :)

I hope that you will correct it to be up to date ;) Thank you for advance.

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It's a realy good work ;)

But, I've seen on your screen that you forgot the new building in construction between the pier A and B. This building will join the two terminals :)

I hope that you will correct it to be up to date ;) Thank you for advance.

I think you haven't been searching around in this topic. Becouse the building that you mean 'connector' is already added. And if you search some more, you will see that this airport will be as realistic as possible. ;) And Aerosoft, if you guys need some pictures tell me. I will arrive friday at the airport. If you need some inside photos, tell me before friday! ;) Then I will do what I can ;)
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  • Aerosoft

Is it maybe possible to ad a AI aircraft management system? So you can choose the runway they land on and the atc gives you that runway.

Sure, but not in a scenery, that just displays the airport.

Of course FSX itself will assign runways and if you use the far (faaaaaaaar) better options that VATSIM and IVAO offer you will get almost perfect realism.

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Hi all,

Thank you for the continued support in providing resources for this project. It is a great help! :)

Darren has been working extremely hard on making a top-class Mega Airport. Every flight starts at the gate, so we wanted to really focus on creating a good 'first' impression upon loading your flight at the gate. As such, it is important that the gate at the terminal looks right. For the gates, no repetitive textures are used on Concourse A. Everything has been modelled in 3D, with each model specific to that area. For example, you will see chairs where there are chairs in real life. Also, the signs in the terminal reflect what the sign says in real life.

In the preview, you can clearly see where Darren is going with this. We are yet to add chairs, check-in desks etc, but the basic structures are in place.


Work has also been on-going on other models within the airport. Lots of small models have been added, which greatly enhancing the atmosphere of the airport, as it is beginning to come together. ;)

I look forward to sharing more previews with you soon.





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Whooooooooooowwww. This is the most realistic airport I've ever seen :D. I've been there previous week, and it is just like the real one, you can't see the difference!

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Impressive! Will the walkers be animated? ;)

One day, in a near future, we might be able to simulate actually going through ops before boarding the plane.

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Impressive! Will the walkers be animated? ;)

One day, in a near future, we might be able to simulate actually going through ops before boarding the plane.

We are looking into animated boarding, like that featured in Mega Airport Oslo v2. However, it is important to stress that we are not promising or committing ourselves to implementing it. I don't want to get anybody's hopes up.

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We are looking into animated boarding, like that featured in Mega Airport Oslo v2. However, it is important to stress that we are not promising or committing ourselves to implementing it. I don't want to get anybody's hopes up.

As long as this keeps our FS running smooth. The current EBBR is a disaster in that part :P

Kind regards,


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As long as this keeps our FS running smooth. The current EBBR is a disaster in that part :P

Kind regards,


Hi all,
Jorik, thanks for bring up the topic of performance. It has been something that I had been hoping to discuss at some point. It is important to understand that throughout history, as PC power increased, developers added more and more features to exploit the new processing power. Today’s PCs have power that was only a pipedream a decade ago, especially Intel’s latest i7 processors. Unfortuantly, we in the FSX world are constrained by the engines limits. FSX was built in 2005/2006 when single core processors were mainstream and chip manufactures were talking about insanely high clock speeds for single core chips, but then multi-core came on the scene and changed all that.
When Darren is building an airport, we don’t think of the customer of today, but also the customer of tomorrow. This scenery will still be on sale two years from now, and hopefully it will still be up to date with the latest developments at the real world Brussels National airport. We have to bear this in mind when developing the scenery. Customers in two or three years’ time will come along and purchase the scenery. We don’t just want the scenery to be ‘technically’ current with the real world airport, but also look visually current to a certain degree. Those customers in 2016 will still expect a decent looking scenery. This means incorporating more detail in the models and airport, which means using more polygons, triangles and drawcalls, which means reduced performance. But, by doing this, we are also pushing the limits of the FSX engine, and perhaps, today’s hardware.
I am not saying that EBBR is going to perform poorly on today’s systems, my experience is to the contrary with the current development build! I can achieve a smooth 20FPS with the Airbus X A320 along with FTX: Global, REX Essentials textures and OpusFSX weather engine. My machine is from the 2009 era with an Intel Core 2 Quad CPU at 2.66GHz. My settings are all set in the middle, except for AI traffic, which I don’t use. So, from my perspective, performance of the current EBBR build is broadly similar to other high-end large airports which are currently available.
A performance manager will also be included with the product which will allow you to turn off some features and change texture resolutions to optimise the scenery for your system. But bear in mind, FSX is a 32- bit platform, it is not really built for multi-core CPUs and it has some pretty ancient compatibility code. You cannot expect to run a detailed airport, with max settings, lots of AI and 4096px textures. If you keep your settings reasonable to your hardware, your performance will also be reasonable.
Also, the new version of EBBR which is currently in-development will be taking advantage of new development and optimisation techniques, which were mostly likely not used in the old version of EBBR. We are doing everything to create an optimal experience for as wide of a range of systems as possible, while also keeping an eye to the future.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice to hear about this! 20FPS is a good performance :) Now I have 13FPS with the current Brussels. I understand this scenery will be available over 2 years? A bit of waiting for me, but the final product will be amazing if it continues like this :D. Please tell us if you guys need some more content.

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