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Skiathos X released! (topic closed)

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Lars, I really can't wait to add this beauty to my destinations! Outstanding Job, even in Alpha stage!

The european St.Maarten should be proud to have been represented in such detail.......;)

Thank you! Ευχαριστούμε!

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That's what I call a beautiful scenery. Everything looks so accurate. Coloring is perfect, too. I think this is the only developer who would be able to bring the most scenic airport of the world to 2013 quality level. I would love to see Sin Martin from this developer as they would be able to make the difference.

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Love it!

The virtual passengers have booked their summer holiday tickets to Skiathos, the planes out of the hanger, the virtual captain is ready...ok, the virtual captain has had too many beers!

Awesome work!

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Love it!

The virtual passengers have booked their summer holiday tickets to Skiathos, the planes out of the hanger, the virtual captain is ready...ok, the virtual captain has had too many beers!

Awesome work!

You're loosing approximatly 0.1 promille an hour so you can determine how many more you can drink until you should stop in order to be fit for the flight :D

But therefore we of cause need to know when the flight is sheduled, so Mathijs we need to know the releasedate for flightsafety reasons, can you give it out? :P

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You're loosing approximatly 0.1 promille an hour so you can determine how many more you can drink until you should stop in order to be fit for the flight :D

But therefore we of cause need to know when the flight is sheduled, so Mathijs we need to know the releasedate for flightsafety reasons, can you give it out? :P


I recon i'll have time for a few more!! Not to many more though i hope!

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Cool photos and videos guys! :)

Which camera does this little boy, standing on a pillar in RWY02 approach, have?

Canon EOS. To tell you which model exactly, the resolution is too bad. ;)

Definitely it is not a EOS-1 modell nor a 5D Mark III

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I'm pretty sure it is the Canon EOS 50D.
Could also be the 40D, the only difference between these two cameras on the backside is the order of the buttons below the screen.

On the 40D the third button from the right below the screen is marked with blue letters in RL and on the pic the letters are white.

So I think it its the 50D.

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ah ok, I was sitting here and thought 5 minutes about if it could also be the 40D because the right button pretty much looked like the image style button :D
But the color let me think different.

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