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Separate Mesh Fsglobal


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Möchte mir Fsglobal Ultimate Europa/Afrika kaufen und wollte wissen ob das Programm auch Gegenden verbessert, die bereits ihre eigene Mesh haben, wie z.B. Balearen X. Würde der fsx trotzdem noch die Balearen Mesh darstellen oder nimmt er immer die höchstaufgelöste, die vorhanden ist? Schon mal Danke.

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Sorry, just forgot this was an English forum. My question is: If I buy a mesh program like Fsglobal Ultimate would it be possible to use their mesh instead of the mesh included in an addon like Switzerland Professional X or Balearic Islands X. Would fsx always use the best mesh available or keep using the inferior one.

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Would fsx always use the best mesh available or keep using the inferior one.

FSX will use the highest resolution that it finds, regardless of scenery layering.

If there are two or more files that offer the same resolution then the layering within the Scenery Library will dictate which is displayed.

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