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Stavanger X Preview

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Dag, any link to screenshots or announcement? Dying to see it :-)

As for Stavanger X, bring it on! I love flying around Scandinavia, this will only make it nicer.

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Thanks for the head up Dag, will be looking for that one when it comes out as well. Will it be at flightsim.no?

There are some shots of the terminal and TWR at flightsim.no but it's still far out. Go look at the screenshots section on the forums there but not the "arkiv" section, the new style one below the aforementioned.

Oh and we are getting 3xRosenbauer Panthers 3-axle in October this year, EU regulations ambulance yellow, yuck !!!! Keeping two Super Buffalos in reserve :-)

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Yes, the cabin is still there.

I have only seen the the fence is gone.

Im pretty sure :) Are you ? hehe I can be wrong...

Are you accusing me of not telling the truth ?

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No, im accusing myself for not be absolutley sure if the cabin is there or not...

It was removed approx 2 weeks ago. Anyway, I think it should be kept along with the fence and gate. It makes the area more interesting. And, the details are nicely done.

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  • Aerosoft

It was removed approx 2 weeks ago. Anyway, I think it should be kept along with the fence and gate. It makes the area more interesting. And, the details are nicely done.

I can remember the days we used to fret about a total city missing from a scenery. Now we talk about one fence and one shed.

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I can remember the days we used to fret about a total city missing from a scenery. Now we talk about one fence and one shed.

Don't worry, there'll be no more comments from me.

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I've been there a few times, very nice and interesting airport! You can make great photos when standing under the approach lights on Rw18 :D

I'll go for it for sure!

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I've been there a few times, very nice and interesting airport! I remember we parked right at the museum you have there on the first pictures.. first thing my wife asked: "What do we want to do here?" I said: "See the Jetstream 41 fly outside the sim." She rolled her eyes and went for a walk around the bay.. well.. you can make great photos when standing under the approach lights on Rw18 :D

I'll go for it for sure!

(sry double post, pls delete first one)

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I went to Stavanger in 1980 on a British Warship.

The things that I remember are:

1. It was very cold (January)

2. I couldn't afford to buy more than 1 Beer.

3. I saw Apocalypse Now for the first time (and fell in love with Hueys)

4. Did I mention that it was cold?

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This comment is aimed at Dag. I am certain that Mathijs was not targeting you in an insulting way. I believe his comment about the fretting over a fence and a shed to be one of how far the fs developer community has come that the level of detail being discussed is a lot different from not that many years ago.

I for one would be unhappy if you took no further part in this thread, as it appears you have some serious inside information as to operations at Sola.

Requesting that you start making comments again :)


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  • Aerosoft

This comment is aimed at Dag. I am certain that Mathijs was not targeting you in an insulting way. I believe his comment about the fretting over a fence and a shed to be one of how far the fs developer community has come that the level of detail being discussed is a lot different from not that many years ago.

I for one would be unhappy if you took no further part in this thread, as it appears you have some serious inside information as to operations at Sola.

Requesting that you start making comments again :)


Dag and I go back a while and I do not believe this has been an issue! But just think about, when I was still young I flew from London to Paris in FS2. Paris was a very large rectangular solid gray polygon in a sea of solid green. And we loved it. Now we are talking about these small details. That's amazing progress.

Very nice screenshots btw.

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I agree... Flying something like the Katana 4X over some of the recent releases for FSX is such an immersive experience these days. I remember sitting in my old office in London after work flying on Flight Simulator for Windows 95, then 98 when it came out. The boss was happy with me using the work computer for this... How things have changed in 15 years...

I wasn't aware how far back you and Dag go Mathijs, I misinterpreted the nature of his response to your post... :blush:


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I'll buy this scenery and do an independant review on another site when this is out. If I start to comment I will only be accused by the "fan club" here to be a nitpicker, that is not in my interest.

I watch this thread and the one on Stefan's Bronco from time to time.

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I suppose it is one of the problems with a forum on the Net in general... Constructive criticism from people with inside information is what one wants the most... certainly I speak for myself... It is unfortunate that there will always be a community of people who will do anything to suppress criticism of any nature... just for the fan boy element...

The best products have usually been criticized constructively prior to release...


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FYI maps.google.com for Sola has been updated. A trained eye will now see all shelters and hardstands.

Apart from that, RWY/TWY/Apron markings have good visibility. A bit lower res on military part (they appear broken) but otherwise okay.

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  • Verified Developer

A couple of up to date screens from the approach end of runway 18.



It's looking great already Jo! Can't wait for it. Any idea on how many months work still remain?

Oh, I don't feel comfortable giving any concrete release dates as of yet.. For now let's say anything before September is a nice surprise :)

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