simon747 98 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 ...constructive criticism is always welcome in a respectful manner! Seriously, as a professional you don´t need to be so excited and pretend the wise guy. You cannot know in which state of "work in progress" the DU´s or the FMA are - only we know, right? So if you get a product AFTER the release where the windspeed and direction are interchanged, then you may moan. But please: not before! The screenshots were not shown to ask for bugs, but to stimulate the appetite. Otherwise we will post the next screenshot with the subtilte: "don´t look at the PFD,ND,FMA,MCDU,FCU,gear lever etc, because all still WORK IN PROGRESS!" That would be ridiculous, or? And if someone lands on 24R in LEPA??? Who the hell cares??? (BTW, 24R has a very nice ILS LOC PAA 109.9 - so why not?) No offense, really. But i have to play some levels in super mario now before I continue testing this great bird... Timo Agreed!! Guys with over-constructive ctiticism; back-off! Let the Beta Testers work and do their job in peace, some of us are really looking forward to this product. This should be an exciting time for all. Let them do their job. They are the software gurus and know how to make the airbus work within FSX more than all of us! Remember who the target audience is. Simon 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
themose 2 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 I'm really enjoying the screen shots and lead up to the release of this great aircraft. Its like the build up to a big movie and feels great.. My oppinion is let the developers, beta team and maybe a handful of real world pilots who are testing this to get it out the hanger..Just enjoy the ride instead of picking every little fault you see on whatever beta build screenie you are viewing. Face it, there will be the odd bug, or minor system error when released as with most add on aircraft. These will be fixed no doubt with a service pack / Patch etc.. easy. With this and the PMDG 373 NGX coming its truly Good times, FSX is really coming into its own now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Glanville 821 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 @ Sim Pilot At last some sane words on the subject . It's all very Catch 22 - you are damned if you don't show any screenshots and damned if you do . In the topic over Airbus liveries , the same thing is happening , when one of the ( VOLUNTEER ) painters decides to place some screenshots . That is why hardly any screenshots are being shown at the moment , people forget that we are working with Beta paintkits ( hopefully wont be too many changes before release ) but most people assume that the paints are finished wheras our work is very much a " WORK IN PROGRESS " and when finished may not resemble what is being shown now . What surprises me the most is that is has been stated ( often enough ) that the Airbus is intended for the " armchair " pilot and not for someone with thousands of hours flight time in the cockpit of the aircraft . I also have to add that I wouldn't have been queing up to buy this product either as I prefer flying GA but spend more time these days painting instead of flying . John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vali 31 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 ...constructive criticism is always welcome in a respectful manner! Seriously, as a professional you don´t need to be so excited and pretend the wise guy. You cannot know in which state of "work in progress" the DU´s or the FMA are - only we know, right? So if you get a product AFTER the release where the windspeed and direction are interchanged, then you may moan. But please: not before! The screenshots were not shown to ask for bugs, but to stimulate the appetite. Otherwise we will post the next screenshot with the subtilte: "don´t look at the PFD,ND,FMA,MCDU,FCU,gear lever etc, because all still WORK IN PROGRESS!" That would be ridiculous, or? And if someone lands on 24R in LEPA??? Who the hell cares??? (BTW, 24R has a very nice ILS LOC PAA 109.9 - so why not?) No offense, really. But i have to play some levels in super mario now before I continue testing this great bird... Timo Some remarks from my side: if some screenshots are published it is clear that they are analyzed, by experienced people, by real pilots but also by unexperienced guys. Each of them see some nice things or some problems, have questions, wishes etc. I think all these should be treated in the same manner, goods and bads shall be accepted, and as I know open dicussions are encouraged, Mathijs can confirm. So cool down. As a possible future customer I am not so sure if saying "So if you get a product AFTER the release where the windspeed and direction are interchanged, then you may moan.", because some possible problems can be fixed before based on forum feedback (and this is valid and it happened also for Airbus X, Mathijs can confirm this again) and we will lead to a better quality of the product. Always is better to detect problems as soon as possible during development (less costs) and people who see the screenshots know that it is a beta product but do not know which problems are known and will be or will not be fixed. Keep the things simple, including the answers. So, let's stop measuring our muscles I think these kind of discussions are not helping. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Puzant 2 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 This product has been advertised though as existing on different levels for different audiences.The initial release for the average flight simmer and then more advanced versions to be released later.I just wonder how they are going to make the transition from one product to another.. I think though that whichever I was buying I would want the Rolls Royce product for my money. Well , it is very easy for developers to transfer to a advanced version as they are just getting the system for advanced but the models and VC are already so realistic. They only have to upgrade the gauges and so on Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
limp 29 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 I'm really enjoying the screen shots and lead up to the release of this great aircraft. Its like the build up to a big movie and feels great.. My oppinion is let the developers, beta team and maybe a handful of real world pilots who are testing this to get it out the hanger..Just enjoy the ride instead of picking every little fault you see on whatever beta build screenie you are viewing. Face it, there will be the odd bug, or minor system error when released as with most add on aircraft. These will be fixed no doubt with a service pack / Patch etc.. easy. With this and the PMDG 373 NGX coming its truly Good times, FSX is really coming into its own now Since your enjoying them here is a quick screen shot of my approach in Basel on IVAO : (by the way I love how the landing lights move in while descending...) Last mile out was hand flown and the touch down was smooth Default Barcelona scenery looks sad Shots done with the same beta files with which I posted shots this weekend... 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simon747 98 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 CmjA320. They have said before that they are foucisng on the basic verson for now and then the advaned verson at a later date. Aerosoft have said in previous posts that they will get this one (the basic/standard edition) out first and then deal with the next one (answer questions etc) at a later date. Why are you asking questions about that product when this forum is for the inital release? Let the quys\company focus on the priority (the starter Airbus) for now as they have said in the past so we can look forward to all moving up that lader in the future once we get the basics down with this one. This thing is looking damn good on the screeenies and that is key to me along with stability and ease of use!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simon747 98 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 Limp; Nice screens thanks:)) Keep on flying and making us dream!! lolrin Saprintz: nicely said and very diplomatic! Hopefully this back and forth stuff is done now and everyone can be happy and look forward to the upcoming product! Cheers guys! Simon 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
julianETIC 3 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 Limp; Nice screens thanks:)) Keep on flying and making us dream!! lolrin Saprintz: nicely said and very diplomatic! Hopefully this back and forth stuff is done now and everyone can be happy and look forward to the upcoming product! Cheers guys! Simon Can't agree more, buddy. This is like christmas! (firefox says christmas is spelled wrong. oh great lol) And just like christmas and other occasions when you're looking forward to something great, remember: anticipating and looking forward is THE BEST PART! I'm convinced that the development team will not let us down. I've experienced this before by the failsimmers Anyway I hope it will be released soon. I don't mind waiting a little longer if it means less bugs/an even cooler airbus. I don't buy too many addons since I'm on a little bit of a budget as a student, but I already put the money aside for the Airbus and Munich. Cheers from ETIC! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Farlis 155 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 PS there is no such word as GEEZE! Neither is there one such as "inputed". 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Farlis 155 Posted May 17, 2010 Share Posted May 17, 2010 I am not pretending the wise guy(whatever that ungrammatical sentence means).However you are giving me serious concerns that I maybe looking at a future flying a Wilco ,Airbus no matter how pretty your aircraft appears. Speaking of ungrammatical, I spot at least two errors in that reply of yours. So maybe you should keep a lower profile on the lecturing of others on their grammatical abilities. Unless you like having your own errors picked out by a non-native speaker. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
UALA320 1 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 I am not pretending the wise guy(whatever that ungrammatical sentence means).However you are giving me serious concerns that I maybe looking at a future flying a Wilco ,Airbus no matter how pretty your aircraft appears. Sir, with all thee respect. You should really stop bickering at everybody. This plane is intended for basic users only who want to get into the plane right away and fly for enjoyment without having to read huge manuals or aircraft POH's just to start the aircraft and get it rolling. This isn't a full blown level-D A320 systems simulator that is being developed here, which i believe you seem to not understand. Also, i do not know what your aviation background is, but you are on these forums monitoring all day long, which is not a bad thing, but you claim to be a real world A320 pilot. Shouldn't you be flying the real aircraft on a set line 80 hours a month and not flying simplified "toy" Wilco airbus's or posting on this forum how bad this aircraft is and complaining and trying to show off your aviation knowledge about 5 times every day while making everybody angry? You are stimulating new problems. You have to calm down sir... again, with all due respect to you.... -Dennis 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tristan Marchent 11 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 Mathijs, Tried to look for the Aerosoft stand at FSC Weston but couldn't find it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tats 2 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 Firstly I would like to say this aircraft looks amazing and I am looking forward to it been released. As far as the screenshots go and people observing errors on the display's etc I personally don't see what the problem is with them noting these things. They are just trying to help by pointing out errors that may have been missed, and I would doubt that they are been malicious or nasty. If I was a beta member I would just smile and say "these are beta shots some things may not be correct yet, thanks though for pointing them out, I am sure our developers are aware of them", and that would be the end of it. Now I just need someone to show me how to setup and hand fly departures on the bus. Approaches seem to be vectored mostly, however departures I seem to always fly them as filed. Will be good practise as you can see I am lazy and always use FMC to fly the departure, so it would be good to learn how to set up and fly them without using the FMC, maybe someone can do a tutorial when it's released for part time simmers like me :-) Anyway I love the screenshots can't wait to get this one in the hanger! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul_Smith 8 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 This bitching appears to be becoming personal, and that helps nobody. To summerise; Issues were spotted in some screen shots. The poster could have been more diplomatic, but their posts were concise and accurate and when pointed out, they did say 'thank you' for the screen shots. The 'formal' response from someone who appeared to be a beta tester was dismisive, which is not in keeping with previous issues raised here, and did not appear to be authorative or knowledgeable. I would remind that person to read the title of this thread and then reconsider what they had to say about placeholders etc., and I would also suggest that if they have not already done so, they should look at the actual issues raised and confrm that they have been dealt with. It would be embarressing to find out that they were still in the release product exactly because they were so major and so obvious that everybody 'assumed' someone else would deal with them. It is not, in my opinion, reasonable or correct to suggest that basic errors in the Flight Director display can be ignored because this product is aimed at beginners. The display is designed the way it is specifically to make it easier to understand. Modes on the Top row are engaged. The means the computer is controling that part of the flight. Modes on the lower row are armed. That means the pilot has selected a state BUT IT IS NOT ACTIVE YET. (Sorry for shouting, but it is important), and all of this is confirmed by consistent use of colour, so even if the plane is shaking so badly that you can not read the text, you still know what you control, and what the computer controls. Get this display wrong, and how is a beginer going to learn to fly it? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iliaRUSpilot 1 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 Hi! I am first time here Sorry for this question but when you will Release this super new airbus? Greatings from Moscow. Ps: This aircraft is SOO amazing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joemc 1 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 Dear saprince !! First of all, I started saying "Just a comment" so Aerosoft can take it or leave it... Secondly, you are not the one who's its going to tell me if it meant for me ot not... it's my pocket. Open question? What its the purpose of this beta testing? by the way, the FMA its a very important thing on this airbus. besos y abrazos!! Geeze, guys, c'mon, please. ;-) [And joemc, this is not all meant for you.] But honestly, to address it in general, what good does tearing apart a beta do for anyone, or everyone as a whole?? I know there are ego strokes involved for the people picking it apart, since they get to show how much they know or how great their eye for detail is, but who else does it help, considering the alarm that kind of thing stirs?? No, I do not perceive it all, especially a few pages back, as benevolent, well-meaning bug reporting; everyone knows by now that we have a GREAT beta team, and we've said before that testers or developers mix and match various, often very old, versions of different gauges or features or whatever, for reasons that probably only a developer and maybe a veteran beta-tester would totally understand. The things pointed out in the last few pages do not mean "uh-oh, Aerosoft doesn't even notice the wind is saying 200 knots!!" (I've not even looked at the pics in question, but whoever mentioned a wind of 200 knots... first, are you sure that wasn't the wind's *heading*? Second, if it WAS where speed should be, if it was reversed or something, does anyone genuinely think that that kind of thing would continue on not ever recognized?) This is not meant as a criticism. It's meant to be informative. But we've got a great beta team, some real experts on it, and have shared several times info such as the things that are causing the road-blocks, w/ the autopilot or Navigraph's best implementation or whatever. And something like the ND, in any given pic, might possibly even be months old (literally), a place-holder put in there by a lone beta tester to compare something or get rid of an ugly, test-string-infested "experiment." And what some may be thinking, that the very *fact* that there would even need to be a place-holder... please (not sarcastic here at all), really, go look in the SDK and merely begin to develop even a single basic gauge, some kind of rudimentary digital readout of your favorite information, and you will absolutely get a glimpse as to why such screenshot "errors" happen, why they do not mean that the sky is falling, and why the fact that issue X or Y is in some screenshot really is not good cause for certain reactions, especially the "yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater" response. In fact, you might even think of it like this: if you see something BIG that's wrong, like absurd text in the FMA section, there's a reason for it, as we're TESTING things, things that can only become coordinated in a stepping stone fashion. (What I mean is: developer A implements something, B adapts and adds, then A adapts to THOSE modifications by B and adds still more, and so on, w/ the need to go back and look at some weeks-old interaction probably inevitable.) Don't get me wrong, because I personally want the minor things pointed out. The detailed eyes are appreciated! But big things... they're actually most likely to not be issues. Maybe judgment can be exercised in "reporting" such bugs, after considering whether it really is likely that both developers and beta team members probably would not notice this kind of thing. It'll save you time too. But if you think it likely to slip by, by all mean, please report! (But recognize that we're beyond the phase of "okay, we'll add that feature before release.") But to start with the piranha behavior already...? Personally, I think it makes a developer less enthusiastic about sharing anything at all. And in fact it may reinforce an exhausting, enthusiasm-dampening, time-consuming, and dreadful reminder on this end: many users will never be satisfied, and worst of all will sometimes not even be *mildly* content, until the absence of their favorite rivet has been addressed, the rationale for its absence shared, then discussed at length, at large, and until the rivet-haunted simmer has elicited validation and support from other users that it really *is* a big issue, and that you other simmers should be unhappy with it too. Have we not all seen this time and time again. I was just now reminded of all of that kind of thing. Makes me want to take a longer lunch! (But I won't.) "Would they otherwise miss this issue" is the key question. Because, please consider, whenever any beta screenshots are posted, they're probably intended to appease a forum's voracious appetite, and give a *general* idea of how things look. You can especially assume this if it just says [paraphrasing] "look how nice these pics I'm posting are." If anyone honestly thinks we wouldn't know the difference between altitude hold and airspeed hold, whatever it was, how in the heck do you even tolerate following a beta's progress at all? Seems like it would be very stressful! ;-) 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ayster 41 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 I can feel a topic lock coming on! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewart 134 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 Hi! I am first time here Sorry for this question but when you will Release this super new airbus? Greatings from Moscow. Ps: This aircraft is SOO amazing! Hi Ilia and welcome to the aerosoft forums. The developers are hoping for a release sometime before the end of May 2010 so it's not long now. Of course you have to understand this is still a provisional date until it is announced officially on these forums by aerosoft themselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TF-197 28 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 I can feel a topic lock coming on! yup same its usually comes around 30 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alistair Webb 6 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 maybe it will be locked when it is releaced Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerosoft Aerosoft Team [Inactive Account] 51561 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Aerosoft Share Posted May 18, 2010 mathijs one general airbus question, on ground , you control the front gear with this "stick/tiller" on this picture, true? cause with the pedal you can only control the vertical tail and the breaks? (on the picture i mean the black stick beside of the airbus joystick) http://1.bp.blogspot...0/Tiller320.jpg We do not simulate the tiller. We tried it in other products and doing that with your mouse is nearly impossible. So like all other aircraft you use the rudders (or the stick if you want). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerosoft Aerosoft Team [Inactive Account] 51561 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Aerosoft Share Posted May 18, 2010 The Capt Sim C-130 has a tiller control operated by the mouse (in FS9, at least). A bit hit and miss though. Rob. It in fact that product that caused us to decide not to do it, lol. The amount of grass I cut with that one... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stewart 134 Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 It in fact that product that caused us to decide not to do it, lol. The amount of grass I cut with that one... Talking of cutting grass, How is your motor racing coming along? Perhaps you can start a thread in radio chatter to keep us up to date? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerosoft Aerosoft Team [Inactive Account] 51561 Posted May 18, 2010 Author Aerosoft Share Posted May 18, 2010 Hi to all!! I thought this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find any helpful result via search function (I was trying to search for "curve"). Will the navigation display show curved lines between two waypoints? I think you haven't decided yet the last time this question has been asked. But as the release seems to be imminent I hope you guys have decided by now. I really hope to see a smooth curved line between all waypoints and not just a straight line ... ? Thx in advance Mat If that does not hurt fps too much we might. It is VERY CPU intensive and for us it is a very minor issue. We'll see. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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